【ハムスター】笑える!大きすぎるおやつを奪って大逃走した結果…?おもしろ可愛い癒しHamster who takes away too big a snack and runs away!

チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします★ ■Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT! ■内容 Contents ——————————– 【ハムスター】笑える!大きすぎるおやつを奪って大逃走!おもしろ可愛い癒しHamster who takes away too big a snack and runs away! 【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 大好きな人参を食べるゴールデンハムスターのチーズJr.くん。…

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Hamster Runs on Outside of Wheel - hamster runs on outside of wheel

Hamster Runs on Outside of Wheel

This silly hamster laid underneath the wheel and began to run upside down on the outside of it. He was determined to be unique and try something new. Check Out…

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驚愕!これがハムスター!?おもしろ可愛いハムスターThe hamster which runs while slipping - %e9%a9%9a%e6%84%95%e3%81%93%e3%82%8c%e3%81%8c%e3%83%8f%e3%83%a0%e3%82%b9%e3%82%bf%e3%83%bc%e3%81%8a%e3%82%82%e3%81%97%e3%82%8d%e5%8f%af%e6%84%9b%e3%81%84%e3%83%8f%e3%83%a0%e3%82%b9%e3%82%bf

驚愕!これがハムスター!?おもしろ可愛いハムスターThe hamster which runs while slipping

1:20から必見!! チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします★ ■Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT! ■Twitter ■Instagram ■Facebook ■内容 Contents——————————– ハプニング!これがハムスター!?おもしろ可愛いハムスターThe hamster which runs while slipping 【Funny & cute hamster make your feel at ease】 はじめはいつものお散歩をしているキンクマハムスターのチーズくん! なのに急にジャーンプ!!滑りながらダッシュ!!!…

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Cute Hamster runs into a wall - cute hamster runs into a wall

Cute Hamster runs into a wall

My hamster Mago has playtime in his ball and runs into a wall #hamster #cute #funny source: Youtube

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Cat channels inner hamster, runs on rotating wheel - cat channels inner hamster runs on rotating wheel

Cat channels inner hamster, runs on rotating wheel

Check out 4-year-old Meeko the Bengal running on his favorite cat wheel. What an effective way to keep your feline healthy! Source & embed code: For licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com….

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Glaucoma - Hamster Health

Roborovski Dwarf Hamster – Runs Nearly 3,000 Miles A Year!

[ad_1] If you are thinking about owning a hamster, you might want to consider the Roborovski dwarf hamster as an option. Also known as the “desert hamster,” it is recognized…

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Hamster with turbo speed sounds like a race car runs around his food - hamster with turbo speed sounds like a race car runs around his food

Hamster with turbo speed sounds like a race car runs around his food

hey guys and girls I just wanted to post this I think its funny but I’m weird sooo but please like and sub source: Youtube

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Oreo the Hamster runs the wheel - oreo the hamster runs the wheel

Oreo the Hamster runs the wheel

Funny video of the hamster Oreo and new wheel source: Youtube

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Влог мой смешной хомячок бегает по лабиринту My funny hamster runs around the labyrinth vlog 2017

Дорогие друзья, подписывайтесь на мой канал Влог мой смешной хомячок бегает по лабиринту Дома у меня разные питомцы – хомяк, попугай и котенок. Сегодня я покажу моего смешного хомячка. Хомка…

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Black Hamster's New Mascot COOKIE! (Hamster runs on three legs on outside of wheel! Funny!)) - black hamsters new mascot cookie hamster runs on three legs on outside of wheel funny

Black Hamster’s New Mascot COOKIE! (Hamster runs on three legs on outside of wheel! Funny!))

After the passing of Pickles the Hamster, the beloved founding mascot of Black Hamster TV (a web stream of offbeat horror-related content sponsored by Black Bed Sheet Books, Shot in…

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