Hamster (why does she do this jumpy and sneeze sound?) - hamster why does she do this jumpy and sneeze sound

Hamster (why does she do this jumpy and sneeze sound?)

can anyone help me as to why does she do this jumpy and sneeze sound? i caught it a little bit here but she does it often.. source: Youtube

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k-idols tendo crises de espirro ? Bts, Big Bang, Twice etc... - k idols tendo crises de espirro %f0%9f%98%82 bts big bang twice etc

k-idols tendo crises de espirro ? Bts, Big Bang, Twice etc…

?Kpop idols coreanos espirrando em momentos inesperados. Momentos engraçados e divertidos das crises de espirros, alguns até que normais, mas outros são bem engraçados, duvido você não rir. Veja outros…

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Best Foods and Treats for Your Hamster

Sneeze a Lot? 3 Reasons Why You Are Always Sneezing!

[ad_1] Do you sneeze a lot? If so the real reason may be right under your nose, literally! There are numerous reasons why you might sneeze a lot, but there…

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This is funny ? watch till the end when I sneeze her face ? - this is funny %f0%9f%98%81 watch till the end when i sneeze her face %f0%9f%98%82

This is funny ? watch till the end when I sneeze her face ?

This is tink my hamster ? source: Youtube

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