Taking Care of Baby Dwarf Hamsters

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Do you want to breed baby dwarf hamsters? The success of the breeding process will depend on the quality of research you do. It is important to know that mommy dwarf hamsters are pregnant for around three weeks. She will then give birth to a litter, which can have as many as ten dwarf hamster puppies. On the average, they give birth to around five or six babies. Lets take a look at the growth of these babies step by step.

1. Zero to Ten Days

This is perhaps the most delicate and critical period as this is the time when the mother and her litter want to be left to themselves, unassisted and untouched. The babies start forming into more recognizable befits as they change color and grow fur. They also start being able to see and move on their feet at the end of the period.

In order to ensure that your baby dwarf hamster grow up to be gentle creatures you have to pet and care for them for brief amounts of time. Let the mother hamster be your guide as to when you can start doing so, because she may be overprotective. This is the time when baby hamsters are jittery as well. These little babies are extremely fragile too, and one fall can cause them to be paralleled for life.

2. Ten to Twenty-Eight Days

On the baby hamsters' second week or tenth day to be exact, they are capable of being fed solid foods. Doing so will stimulate their growth so keep feeding them fresh fruits, oats, wheat and even lab blocks (not exclusively because until they are three weeks old).

On their tenth day they will start feeding from the water bottle more often and less than their mothers.

By the fourth week or day twenty-eight, the baby dwarf hamsters will no longer be feeding from their mothers. This is the only time they can be separated from their mothers – when the males and females are segregated. In cases where the mother is impregnated by her son while she is still nursing him, he along with his siblings must be separated from the new litter the moment the mother is about to give birth.

Nurturing the baby dwarves requires sanitizing their dwellings at least once weekly, just as is required with adult dwarves.

A fresh supply of food and water is also vital to their growth and must be given on a daily basis. Check their bodies for injuries or other illnesses. The twenty-eight day also marks the day when these babies can be sold and given away.


Source by Chris L. Copeland

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