Teeth Whitening Products: Balancing Risks and Rewards

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Who would not want to look and feel young and healthy for just a few years longer? From moisturizing creams to nail polish the list of beauty products is long. Tooth whitening is just a small piece of the puzzle. At-home whitening products make a whiter smile possible for many of us. People who else can not afford expensive dentist visits can whiten their teeth for a little more than a haircut.

But there is a big difference between tooth bleaching kits and other cosmetic products. Teeth do not heal. No matter how many times we hear – "Teeth whitening is safe" – we remain cautious. That is why health conscious men and women spend more time learning about different teeth whitening options. The reward is a brighter smile; the tools are powerful bleaching chemicals. However more whitening power usually means higher risks. Life is a balancing act and tooth bleaching is no different.

The goal is to find a happy compromise; a product that provides sufficient whitening power and ensures safety at the same time. Balancing whitening power with safety is not an easy task. There are many things to consider. Oral health is the first and probably the most important factor. Individuals with less than perfect dental health should take less risk. It can mean less powerful whitening gels or a visit to the dentist. Teeth whitening strips are less effective but are considered safer than tray based whitening methods.

However there is good news to those who want maximum safety. When it comes to tooth whitening time can substitute power. In other words the same whitening results can be achieved with less powerful gels and longer application times.

The following is a list of at-home teeth whitening methods starting with the safest option:

  • Whitening toothpaste
  • Tooth whitening strips
  • Custom fit whitening trays with low concentration gel
  • Thermoform whitening trays with low concentration gel
  • Custom fit trays with high concentration gel
  • Thermoform trays with high concentration gel


Source by Tomas P

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