The Best Fruits for Your Health

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Fruits are good for one’s health! These are rich in vitamins and minerals, so these act as a fine way for one to overcome deficiencies of vitamin C and A.

It is even known that if you consume fruits as a part of a well balanced diet, these can allow you to prevent a number of chronic disorders. Some other essential nutrients that fruits are rich in include

  • Potassium

Potassium could work towards minimizing the risk of cardiovascular disorders. It may even help prevent stroke. By getting the required dosage of potassium from our diet, one can decrease bone loss which comes as a part of aging.

  • Fiber
  • Vitamin C
  • Folate

Folate makes it easier for the body to form RBCs (Red Blood Cells). It is in particular helpful for pregnant women and enhances the growth of fetus.

In general, by going for fruits, one could minimize the risk of disorders such as type 2 diabetes. By promoting phytochemicals, fruits ensure that one stays in the best of health!

Ideally, one must consume 2 – 2½ cups of fruits every day. This is also subject to how many calories does one require for everyday diet.

Let’s take a look at some of the best fruits for one’s health and well being.


Peaches are rich in potassium, and this augurs very well for one’s nerve and muscle health. One of the reasons peaches are good for one’s health is their skin. Skin of peaches is high in antioxidants and insoluble fibers alike.

If you’re on a diet, peaches are the perfect way to add sweetness to your diet.


Pineapples are not just pleasing to the platter. These are rich in anti inflammatory micronutrients which can work very effectively for our health and well being.

In particular, bromelain is an anti inflammatory agent which helps reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke.


Grapes are one of the most abundant food crops in the world. But consuming grapes is known to allow one to steer clear of cardiovascular disorders and high cholesterol.

The bulbs are also rich in iron and potassium, so as to allow one overcome muscle cramps and anemia.

Similarly, mangoes keep the immune system healthy and help promote bone growth. In the same way, apples are good for the heart. They help keep teeth healthy and promote weight loss.

Organic Fruits: A Better Choice for Health of Your Family and Yourself!

When you go for fruits, it is always better that you choose to go for organic fruits. An organic fruit tastes better. It is free from preservatives and also good for the environment. Moreover, organic fruits are free from GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).

Let’s consider an instance. If you go for papaya, it is better to go for a papaya which is grown organically.

Why Go For Organic Papaya Over Normal Papaya?

Papayas are high in vitamins A and C, good for the skin and good for the immunity. These are full of enzymes that aid the digestion process.

By consuming papayas, one can reduce bloating. Papayas are high in calcium.

Use papaya to make a smoothie, put some over oatmeal or make a fruit salsa using papaya. The tropical taste and flavors will get you!

But there is a checklist you must keep in mind. You must try and make sure that your papaya is not genetically modified. To get the best out of your papaya, you must make sure that it is free from GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).

Let’s know more about GMOs.

GMOs are produced in a lab. This is done by taking the gene of one species and putting it into another. This allows a scientist to get the desired traits in the new specie.

Why Does One Need To Avoid GMOs?

It is recommendable to avoid GMOs because one wouldn’t know how they are produced. It may be possible that GMOs are made by using virus or bacteria to infect a new species with some other specie’s DNA.

So it is difficult to assume the effect GMOs would have on our bodies.

Apart from papayas, some of the most genetically modified foods are:

  • Cottonseed
  • Canola Oil
  • Sugar beets
  • Corn
  • Soy
  • Zucchini

A simple way to make sure that papayas that you buy are free from GMOs is by looking for the non GMO verified label on papaya. This is also one of the reasons one must choose organic papaya over a normal papaya.


Source by Harshad Jethra

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