It is best to keep soft furnishings, draped fabrics and dust harboring clutter to a minimum in the bedroom, to discourage house dust mites. If your child sufferers repeated bouts of asthma that you suspect are triggered by house dust mites, it is probably also worth reducing them in the rooms in which she spends most of her time, possibly by replacing curtains with blinds and removing cushions.
Fortunately you do not need to go as far as fording all cuddly toys. Frequent washing, preferably at 60 degree Celsius, is the answer and if you occasionally bag up the toys and place them in the freezer for a couple of hours this will eradicate any mites they are harboring.
What you should know about indoor damp? Damp living conditions can trigger an attack in susceptible individuals, when mold producing spores aggravate sensitive airways. If your living area is damp, and it is impossible to eliminate the cause, open windows as much as possible to air rooms (except when the pollen count is high) and take bedding outside (whenever it is the window) whenever the weather is dry to air it thoroughly.
Keep your child's clothes and nightwear away from the damp walls. Look out for green and black spotting in damp areas and wipe it away with a mild bleach solution. If possible, buy a dehumidifier to help dry out the air inside.
As a conclusion, try to avoid taking your child to a house where you know there will be animals. What you can do is to invite people to your home instead. Protein in the urine of rodents, such as mice, hamsters and gerbils, can provoke an asthma attack in susceptible individuals.
Source by Azlan Idris