The Effect of Scent on Moods

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When we talk about scents it could refer to a variety of applications. From the choice of perfume we wear, to lotions we use, candles we choose, oils, potpourris, etc. It is known that certain scents seem to effect people in different ways.

Some scents are tied to certain memories, and if those memories were good or bad, will probably have a huge influence on whether the scent is liked or not. For instance, if mom made a great apple pie and there were lots of good memories of that apple pie, odds are you would find the scent of apple pie comforting and homey. Many people have fond memories of a lilac bush in
grandma's yard. The list goes on and on. You may want to ask yourself what scents you typically tie to good memories, those could be a good place to start.

There are categories of scents that are commonly known to have certain effects on people's
moods. These are listed below:

1. Romantic scents: jasmine, patchouli, freesia, gardenia, rose, sandalwood, cinnamon.

2. Energizers: tangerine, eucalyptus, mint, lemon, bergamot, ginger.

3. Calming: lavender, frankincense & myrrh, cedar, almond, heliotrope, marjoram, hyacinth, vanilla.

4. Refreshing: eucalyptus, grapefruit, lemon, lime, orange, mint, tangerine, rosemary.

This also helps to explain why we tend to prefer different scents based on our moods. I know mine vary quite a lot, as does my taste in candle scents. I think that's true with most of us. Perhaps it's time to try another type of scent that you would not naturally gravitate to, you may find you discover a new favorite when the "mood" hits you.


Source by Valerie Garner

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