The Effects of Body Fat On Our Health

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Most Healthcare Professionals agree that too much body fat is a risk for adverse health effects. Some of the effects may include high blood pressure, increase in LDS's or bad cholesterol, diabetes, heart problems and degenerative joint disease. The accumulation of body fat is not the only factor that affects health, but the location of it as well. The accumulation of fat around the stomach and waist has been associated with hyperlipidemia or fat in the blood, heart problems and diabetes.

Some people tend to accumulate fat in these areas as opposed to others who accumulate it in the thigh and buttocks. According to studies, people who accumulate fat around the abdomen and waist are worse off than those who do not. Men are more likely to fit this category and are more at risk than women in general. Women tend to accumulate their fat around the thighs and buttocks.

It is there important to consider using a measuring tape to measure body fat in different areas of the body. If you only look at how much you weigh, you could be missing out on other factors that can seriously affect your health. It is also important to determine percentage of fat in the body. This is the percentage of fat your body has compared to the rest of what is in your body. A 100 pound person with 10 percent body fat would have 10 pounds of body fat. The other 90 pounds would have made up of other tissues other than fat. These may include muscle, bone and other soft tissue.

You should not try to get rid of all of your body fat. Having a certain amount of it is important for good health. Fat helps to insulate your body and regulate body temperature. It is also stored by the body to be used in times of emergency when your body needs energy. Women normally have more of it than men because their body composition is different.

Men should normally have body fat in the range of 18 to 25 percent. If they exceed 25 percent, they are considered obese. Women's normal range is approximately 25 to 31 percent. They should not exceed 31 percent to avoid obesity. These percentages are not normal for all people. Some athletes or other individuals may have a different normal range. Knowing your normal percentage can help you to know if your weight loss goals are realistic or not.

You should not lose weight to where your body fat percentage falls below the normal range. Two people of the same height can have different normal ranges for weight. For example one person might have a larger bone structure than another. This person might normally be heavier than the person who has a smaller bone structure because there bone mass weighs more. This could be true even though they have the same amount of body fat. Do not put your health at risk by allowing your body fat percentage to go out of its normal range.


Source by Nathan E Leavitt

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