The Importance of a Modem

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Modem means modulator and demodulator. It is a gadget that you use to transmit date and to receive data as well via a channel for communication. These channels can be a cable, telephone line and an optic fiber.

1. The first answer to the question, why is a modem needed is because we need a converter so data can be transferred to the analog system of the telephone. Today we can also change data that is digital to analog mode. The signal is then changed into digital by the modem through demodulation. This is the simple explanation on the processes that takes place in a modem. Other processes that take place in a modem are error corrections, detection of errors, compressing data and encryption.

2. The second answer to the question, why is a modem needed is for giving higher quality and faster transfer of data. There are fast modems that will remove the problem of most companies about time delays. They also need this to give real-time customer support. It also gives fast communication which is needed by many people.

3. The third answer to the question, why is a modem needed is for giving good quality of graphics for bigger applications. This is especially needed for applications with programs like Java. A fast modem is also needed for creating applications for multimedia as well as games that are three dimensional.

4. The fourth answer to the question, why is a modem needed is for creating the local area network for homes or offices. Today this is one of the most inexpensive ways to connect one computer to the other. This facilitates faster communication like in a hospital where the patients and the medical staff would have quicker access on the health records. For the entertainment industry this is needed to provide clearer pictures and sounds like the HDTV.

5. A modem is also needed because there are still remote places in the world that doctors, lawyers and government officials do not frequently go to. They can only be reached by other people via telecommunications which can be facilitated by having a modem and a computer.

6. Another reason why a modem is needed is for facilitating the fast growth of the economy of a country. Most businesses today operate via online communication. You can easily close a business deal via the Internet. People can also do online shopping which became a trend these days because of the modem.


Source by Kenny Leones

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