The Real Risks and Dangers of Smoking

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Everyone knows that smoking is bad for you. The internet and the walls of your doctors office are covered with pictures of blackened and diseased lungs from smoking. However people continue to keep smoking and new people start smoking everyday.

Tobacco can be taken and used in many different ways. It can be chewed, snuffed through the nose or smoked and in haled from pipes, cigars and cigarettes. Regardless of how it is used it is dangerous. The medical field and media has focused most of its attention on smoking because that is the most common way that tobacco is used.

With every puff of a cigarette the smoker gets a hit of nicotine that is quickly absorbed into the blood stream through the lungs. It is this rush of nicotine that the smoker craves. There is more than just nicotine in that smoke though; there are more than 4000 chemical substances that make up cigarette smoke and many of them are toxic.

The smoke from a cigarette contains 43 carcinogenic substances and more than 400 other toxins that can also be found in wood varnish, nail polish remover, and rat poison. These substance build up in the body of a smoker and will eventually cause serious damage to their body and health.

Cancer is the disease that is most often associated with smoking. Smoking is the cause of 90% of lung cancer cases and is related to 30% of all cancer fatalities. There are many other cancers that can be related to smoking including: oral, pancreatic, urinary, kidney, stomach and larynx.

Emphysema and bronchitis are two other very serious lung diseases, in fact they can frequently be fatal. Over 75% of deaths from these two pulmonary diseases are linked to smoking.

The constant exposure to toxins in cigarette smoke has a price that can not be avoided. This exposure causes smokers to die an average of 15 years earlier than non-smokers.

Unfortunately smokers harm more than just themselves, they also harm everyone around them when they smoke. Second hand smoke is just as dangerous maybe even more dangerous than the smoke the smoker inhales. Because their internal organs are still developing children are more susceptible to this risk. Children exposed to second-hand smoke are more vulnerable to asthma, sudden infant death syndrome, bronchitis, pneumonia, and ear infections.

No matter how long you have been smoking it is never too late to quit. Even people who have been smoking for several decades will see large health benefits from kicking the habit.


Source by Steve Welker

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