The Truth About Benefits of Natural Healing

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All natural remedies are really just an expression for a much larger list of natural holistic healing cures. When people refer to all natural remedies they are really talking about Acupressure, Reflexology, Home Remedies, Homeopathic Medicine, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils, Magnet Therapy, Healing Crystals, Acupuncture, Healing Herbs and Iridology. Any one or all of these types of organic healing can be considered "all natural remedies."

OK..So … All the natural healing methods listed above are really good ways to heal yourself. That being said the not so shocking truth about the great benefits of all natural healing is that they work and quite easily too.

It really does not take much effort or learning to start using any one or all forms of remedy healing. Take the benefits of reflexology for example, giving yourself a foot rub is easy and very pleasurable. Essentially that is what reflexology is … a foot rub. Reflexology massage therapy can also be done on your hand so if you are in a public situation and you start to get a headache, or stomach pains, backache … etc you can use hand reflexology to bring relief to your pains.

The benefits of acupressure are very similar to reflexology. It involves applying pressure to certain points on your body, instead of your feet and hands. Each spot is called an acu-point, there are acu-points all over your body and face (reflexology points are called reflex-points … easy!)

Healing herbs are one of the easiest ways to improve your health naturally. The most common way of herbal benefits is by pouring boiling water over them and drinking as a tea. The boiling water extracts the healing benefit of the selected herb and then you drink it and your body will start to heal. Pretty easy and healing herbs really work great. Every time I have a stomachache from eating foods that are too strong I drink some Baldo tea and it takes away my pain.

I know I already said one of the easiest forms of natural health techniques was healing herbs, but really Aromatherapy cure and Essential Oils are also extremely easy to use. For example if you suffer from allergies or have sinus issues like a stuffy nose you can use Aromatherapy to relate your sinus issues. All you have to do is pour boiling water over some discharged Eucalyptus and inhale the steam. Guaranteed you will get relief from your ailment. Essential oils benefits are just as easy to achieve. Reducing stress is one of the best ways to benefit from essential oils. By applying a tiny bit of Lavender oil or Ylang Ylang oil to your chest and / or neck you will feel the release of stress. You can do this before sleep if you have issues falling asleep.

Home remedies for healing and Natural Homeopathic medicine are also simple and effective. Home remedies are things like using crushed Garlic to kill an infection or fungus. Or if you have a sore throat drinking fresh squeezed lemon juice mixed with a tbsp. of honey. There are all sorts of great things found around the home that can be used to heal. Taking homeopathic medicine works equally as good at healing our bodies. If you have a fever or a cold you can start taking Belladonna and it will help alleviate the symptoms.

Magnetic therapy and using healing crystals both involve wearing a magnet or crystal over a specific area to benefit from their natural healing properties. Acupuncture and Iridology are used as indicators of future health problems (Acupuncture can also be used to help heal).

The bottom line is that the benefits of Natural Healing are huge … and they are easy and free to use. Instead of waiting a week to get an appointment to see your doctor you can start using natural healing today.


Source by Eric Clemmer

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