The “Horrors of Circumcision” is a selection of Men’s Health articles that have been written to help men and women better understand the negative effects that circumcision can cause in the male penis. This article will cover the Loss of Penis Size in the male who is circumcised. Hopefully such articles will help shed some light on the subject of circumcision and its negative side effects.
“Uncut” is the colloquial term for being uncircumcised, where the term “Cut” refers to a man who has a circumcised penis. The words are, literally, quite spot-on definitions, as the usage of the word “cut” truly explains what happens to a man’s penis when his foreskin is savagely removed.
Foreskins and tonsils have a lot in common. It wasn’t that long ago when children would have their tonsils removed to stop them from getting tonsilitis. “Medicine” believed that the tonsils were useless appendages and that it was better to remove them to prevent them from getting inflamed.
Then someone woke up and realized that tonsils are an extremely important part of the immune system and are composed of lymphatic tissue. In fact, the tonsils are so highly and complexly structured, that we still have no clue as to how they really function. Yet, they were considered worthless so they went cutting them off.
The same attitude is reflected in the foreskin. “Hey, it’s just a worthless piece of skin, let’s just cut it off.” You have to love that logic. And then to substantiate the “good” that hacking off a piece of a child’s penis does, all of a sudden all these studies came out saying that circumcision decreased the risk of penile cancer, reduced the possibility of getting a sexually-transmitted disease, actually made the penis physically bigger, and that circumcision made the penis more sensitive. However, for every one of these studies performed that shows the positive effect of circumcision, there are studies that show that the exact opposite is true. Honest, it’s amazing how money seems to influence all of these scientific studies. No surprise there.
While we’re discussing scientific studies, it is worth mentioning an Australian study which studied the effects of circumcision on penile length. The average loss of penile length, with circumcised men, was 5%. Yes, men lost an “average’ of five-percent of their penile length. Note that this means that some men lost less and some men lost more.
The reason for this is due to the scarring that inevitably occurs when the foreskin is viciously removed from the body. If you look at a circumcised penis, you will typically see it has an irregular-formed band that encircles the penis, on the shaft, just next to the head (glans) of the penis. This scarring reduces the elasticity of the penile shaft in the area of the scarring. In other words, the scarred portion of the penis will not “stretch” out as much when the penis becomes engorged with blood. This can cause a shortening of the length of the penis and can cause an irregular depression in this area of the penis, causing it to be deformed. Depending on the foreskin removal process, instrument used for foreskin removal, and the ability for the body to heal itself after this trauma, can cause different variations and different levels of scarring. Some men are left worse off than other men, unfortunately.
So, this is why men who are “uncut” will typically have a larger penis than a man who has been “cut.” In other words, if you had two penises that were exactly the same, the only difference being one was circumcised and one was not, the circumcised penis would typically be smaller than the uncircumcised penis.
Georg von Neumann
Source by Georg Von Neumann