Things to Keep in Mind Before You Get a Pet Bird

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Pets always make a great companion for life, they keep you cheered up through out the day if you take good care of them. They can be any one of these dogs, cats, fishes, birds like parrots, finches, budgies, reptiles like turtles, gecko lizards, rodents like rats, mice, ferrets, hamsters, guinea pig etc. Most of this are very cute and at first site anyone would like to adopt these. But think before you get any pet, especially birds because they need more attention than any other pets, as well as they are more sensitive.

Here are some of the points to ponder before getting one. First think if you are ready to commit yourself for the next 10-15 years, that is for the entire life time of a bird. Some pets can also live up to 20 years.

Are you a frequent traveler? If yes then pets are not for you because they need to be taken care of all the time, they can not adjust to sudden climate change, so they need to be kept at a same place. Some pets health worsens even if you change their cage location.

Are you a person with no patience? If yes then again pets are not for you, because they need long time to get adjusted to you or the place where you keep them. It varies from pet to pet. You may lose interest in them if you have no patience and you may not take good care of them.

Are you a very busy person? Then again pets are not for person like you, different pets need different amount of your time, find out if you will be able to give them your time, you should not become a pet killer ultimately.

Are you allergic to pet fur? Some people will be allergic to pet fur or hair, if you are one amongst them then do not get pets, just like humans pets also shed hair which might effect your health. Once you get them you can not blame them for your allergic nature neither you can kill them for causing allergy to you.

Is your job not a permanent one, you keep relocating every now and then? In this case also you are not a person who can keep pet, the reason is the same as point number one.

Do you have very small kids or infants? If yes then wait till they grow up, babies or kids do not think before swallowing or licking something, pet hair or fur is not considered good for kids and infants. So if you are sure you can clearly isolate your kids from your pets, only then keep one.

Do you live in a unsafe house? Unsafe with respect to pets. Is your house exposed to prey animals like fox, snakes, vultures etc? then provide a very strong cage to your pets, if you can not provide then, they are not for you. You do not have to feed your loved ones to these animals.

So these are some of the points to be kept in mind before getting pets. All the best. Always keep your pets safe and healthy. At least give away your pets to someone who can take care of those if you can not take care of those.


Source by Pradeep Prabhu

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