Things You Need to Know About Pet Guinea Pigs

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Guinea pigs are very docile and gentle in nature and make ideal starter pets for older responsible children. They rarely bite or scratch, but they are easily stressed, so they require careful handling. They are very timid and shy by nature. They are generally sociable animals and are most content when kept with other guinea pigs.

These animals come in several breeds. The most common are the English short hair (also known as the American) and the Abyssinian. The American guinea pig has a short smooth coat as opposed to the ruffled coat of the Abyssinian.

They're not particularly agile and do not climb well, rarely trying to escape from their cages. They have poor eyesight, but well-developed senses of hearing and smell. They are also surprisingly good swimmers. They are nosey, friendly characters that are easily fried and always rummaging around for something to chew on.

They often will whistle as an expression of excitement when their owner approaches or feeding is expected. They will also purr when being held or petted.

Aquariums are not recommended, as they provide poor ventilation, and wire-flooring in cages irritate their feet. A solid-bottom cage is best. For the health and welfare of your pet provide as spacious a living area as you can manage. Bigger is better.
Recommended cage sizes:
One guinea pig: 7.5 sq ft … 30 "x36"
Two: 7.5 sq ft to 10.5 sq ft … 30 "x50"
Three: 10.5 sq ft to 13 sq ft … 30 "x62"
Four: 13 sq ft … 30 "x72"
Clean the cage completely once a week by replacing dirty bedding and scrubbing the bottom of the cage with warm water.

Timothy Hay (or a grass hay) is the animal's natural diet. Alfalfa hay is also recommended for the youngger ones 4 months and younger. Guinea pigs are herbivores (unlike hamsters who are omnivores) and like primates are unable to produce their own vitamin C. Without enough vitamin C in their diets, they can become very ill with scurvy. It is recommended that 1 teaspoon of vitamin C be added to 12oz of water daily. Broccoli and cauliflower are very high in vitamin C.

Bedding should be reliably dust-free shavings (Aspen, Hemp, Kiln-Dried Pine) woodchips, hardwood pellets, grass hay, etc. Cedar is toxic to these animals and should never be used. Bedding should never be allowed to get damp. Be sure everything's dry before adding fresh bedding. Change the bedding once or twice a week.

Adults weigh between 1.5 – 2.5 pounds (700 – 1200gms) and measure between 8 "- 10" (20-25cm) in length.

Life span:
They will usually live an average of four to five years.

Unlike many rodents, these animals are born with fur and their eyes open.


Source by Lamar Dean

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