Hazing, (my term) is the place where people who are developing their abilities as mediums just beginning vibrating high enough to connect with the spirit world. Unfortunately, the first spirits that can be connected to are the ones who vibrate at the lowest frequency, and they are typically disruptive, negative, mischievous and annoying if not downright mean and hateful. They seek to confuse a person and keep them running around in circles in their head. They will tell you to hurt yourself or others, or that you are nothing, or that people do not love you and actually hate you when you thought they loved you. Their only purpose is to be ugly to you. They are angry and confused, and want you to be the same.
Think of a thermometer, and at the bottom is zero. Let's say that that the average frequency of the internal vibrations or electrical measure of most people who do not hear voices. As mediumship develops, a person who can hear the first voices, the negative ones, might be at 10 vibration, and that negative communications pick-up (think of it as radio waves) may last you get to about 30 as there are many different kinds within this range. Then after that you get to the benevolent spirits, usually in your ancestral line as they are easier to hear first, that might be from 31 to 45, and then spirit guides, from 46 to 55, and Angels, from 56 to 65, and other beings, all the way up to God at say 90 or so. If you think of it this way, you are just moving up the scale. But you have to move, or you stay stuck in the lower vibratory communications and then are afraid, frustrated, angry (which lowers your vibrations) and all other manner of systems that do not help your cause of getting out of where you are. Usually, the medication will not stop the voices either, so they have an added issue of taking a chance and going off of them because they do not work, which is not good, or always being drugged and the effects of that on your body, and STILL hearing voices, and that is just not pleasant!
My mother stayed there most of her life. When the abilities began with me and the negative voices started, I knew her was not one I wanted to follow, and searched and began many hours of prayer. I do mean many, for a couple of years, but I learned a lot, and enough to help you find a shortcut to some of what I learned. Let me say at this point, I have never been diagnosed as having any mental illness because I do not, and it does not affect my life adversely after I got through hazing. And I am monitored by three psychologists, all of whom I now work with their clients because after years of watching me, they are developing different views of this.
If you elevate your vibrations, and that can happen through non-begging prayer (that means no help me Jesus, please just make it go away, help me, help me – as that is a prayer of desperation – which connects you to desperate spirits) meditation, yoga, concentrated thought, or whatever system you might find and use, with prayer being the highest because you are seeking to move outside energy yourself in order to connect to a more powerful system in God / Divine Architect / Creator, then your results are faster and more positive. Once you do that, the negative voices CAN NOT reach you anymore because you operate on a higher frequency than they can reach, and you are then talking to a whole new group of folks. It is possible.
When you reach this point, you have control and access to all manner of information that only has usually come in snatches before, usually starting in childhood. If you were a child with premonitions that were inconsistent, then you are more than probably not schizophrenic, but a medium in training. You just have to learn how to get control. That is not all people in this category, of course, but that is some.
If you can say the following prayer consistently – like 3 times a day for at least a month, really trying to understand what it means, even if you do not in the beginning, and the voices go away, seem confused (remember that these are not just arbitrary voices, but actual spirit beings that you are communicating with – this is the hard part because it takes rearranging the way you may have thought the world was organized), or they are less hostile or you hear them less often then you are probably a hazer. Never stop the prayer. It is like a control device to keep your vibrations high. As a medium, you will need such devices because of your vibratory differences. Bear in mind, that in the beginning, possibly for the first two weeks, they may get more hostile because they know you have gotten a system that might work, and that they will not be able to make your life miserable much longer, but they can not sustain the vibratory changes for long, so they will leave. Couple this with burning a candle for your Guardian Angel / Spirit / Guide (does not matter what your faith is – somebody is keeping track of you – – trust m on this for the moment) and you may see major changes. If you do, it is likely that schizophrenia might not be what is happening but mediumship is. But this is tricky.
DO NOT go off of medication if you are on it. The changes will override the medication and you will need less of it as time goes on. Stay under the supervision of your medical practitioner, but do these things and things will generally change over time. Expect, that if you are diligent, you will feel quite different in about 6 to 8 months, a small price to pay if you've had years of this going on.
I also suggest that you find a Sukyo Mahi Kari dojo and go to receive light regularly. They have them all over the world and they are free, with only service requested, and / or a small donation if you have it. If not, no problem. I've worked with several clients now to separate these things and make the situation clearer. It does not matter if you believe it or not at first. What do you have to lose if the voices are making your life miserable. If you simply get out of your own ego and try it, you are likely to see changes. It is this element though, I will say, that is the hardest for people to work past if they are resistant. Your choice, but you do have a choice.
Remember, and this is KEY! Self-involvement, self-pity, anger and frustration will keep you in this perpetual state because they are automatic vibration lowering devices. You will remain a hamster in a wheel unless you work to break this cycle, and that is what the vibration raisers mentioned before will do. It is not as hard as it might seem, in fact it is simple, but requires consistency and getting out of your ego. That is what the Hindu prayer will help you do. Say it even if you do not understand it, and one day, it will almost magically kick in and you will get what it is really about!
Here is the prayer below. Think of hazing like getting through the hazing phase of a fraternity. If you get through it, there is a lot of wonderful stuff on the other side!
Hindu Prayer
Have done with pride and arrogance, conceit, envy, self-assertion;
practice humility, obedience; worship the Creator.
When a man has abandoned false pride, arrogance and vainglory,
When he has become humble and meek, then does he find true bliss.
Prince and beggar alike must die: not one survives.
Him do you call living who has died and yet lives.
My enemy "I" is dead: now none can smite me down.
'Tis I who slay myself: that, being dead, I live.
We have slain our enemy, we have died; but he is not forgotten.
The thorn remains to vex us. Consider and lay this truth to heart.
Then only wilt thou find the Beloved when thou art as the living dead;
Only by losing thyself canst thou find Him who knoweth all.
Then wilt thou find the Beloved when thou esteemeth thyself as nothing;
Recognize therefore by quiet reflection where the thought of self arises.
Becoming as the living dead, come thou into the way,
First lay down thy head, then mayest thou venture to plant thy foot.
Know that the way of discipleship is exceeding hard;
The living dead walk in it, the Name of Rama their sign.
So difficult is the way, no living man can tread it;
He only can walk in it, O foolish one, who has died and lives.
Only he who is dead can tread the way that leads to Niranjana;
He finds the Beloved, and leaps the fearsome gulf.
He that is alive will die: only by dying inwardly shall he meet the Lord;
Forsaking his fellowship who can end when trouble coming?
O when will this dominion of self pass away? When will the heart forget every other?
When will it be wholly refined? When will it find its true home?
When I am not, then there is one; when I intrude, then two.
When the curtain of "I" and "you" is drawn away, then do I become ever as I was.
This prayer is found in the book "Every Eye Beholds You – A world treasury of Prayer" with interfaith prayers from all over the world, edited by Thomas J. Craughwell. It is essential if you are going to make this journey of elevation, even if you are schizophrenic or bi-polar fully, and not just in hazing.
Source by Eva Ravenwood