Three Quick Remedies to Clear Sinus Pressure Permanently

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For all their annoying symptoms and often plain suffering, sinus pressure and other sinus problems are usually treated at their symptoms level, not their causative one. Sinus issues are seldom fatal, but they can bring complications and much discomfort. So, why not treat sinus pressure by going to its possible cause and bring permanent relieve?

Four years ago I became liberated from sinus pressure and other sinus issues. I will share with you what I did that solved my sinus miseries. Not for me only, but for others also who have tried it. It is a unique therapeutic approach that combines three healing systems synergistically–in cooperation with each other–and which addresses both cause and symptom:

Keep sinuses clear

Air and a normal amount of mucus–one to two pints daily–must move through the sinus and nasal cavities constantly to keep them healthy. Consider that the main function of the membrane lining those cavities is to produce mucus to protect our breathing organs, etc. Thus a constant flow of clear, watery mucus is normal and necessary. So this is what we do to keep our sinuses clear:

  • Self-applied sinus acupressure
  • Drink plenty of plain, pure water at room temperature
  • Do nasal rinsing as needed
  • Use desensitization therapy for severe allergic reactions
  • Watch what we eat

Avoid mucus producing foods

Data from empirical–nonscientific experimentation–observations strongly support that some foods, especially three of them, can contribute significantly, if not directly cause, excessive mucus production and the discomforts accompanying it. One of these three foods, one which most of us enjoy the most, is: sugar in significant amounts. What “significant” is, can vary from one individual to another. In plain language, the large amounts of sugar often present in desserts, soft drinks, milk shakes, ice cream, sugary breakfast cereals-to name a few–can be affecting significantly the state of your sinuses and contributing to other health issues—since our bodies were not made to handle large amounts of refined sugar and remain healthy. Each of us will have to decide what we prefer: better health and less pain or a few moments of pleasure at the ice cream parlor.

Keep nerve energy flowing freely

It is common knowledge that our nerve cells conduct small amounts of low voltage electricity–measured in milli-volts–which travels from the brain through the spinal cord. From there this electricity goes to all organs and other parts of the body. It also carries messages back to the brain. Anything that restricts this electric flow would, obviously, affect the well functioning of some organ, membrane, muscle, sinus cavity, physiological process, etc., that depends on it. Since the spinal cord canal runs behind the vertebrae, a misalignment of a specific vertebra, like the atlas or axis, can put pressure on the cord and affect that electric flow. By restoring this electric energy back to full flow the body would, obviously, have a better chance to use its own health restoring mechanism. Not only our sinuses can fare better, but it can improve our general health, too. This was my experience.

It is this third “remedy” about full nerve energy flow restoration that can help bring healing permanency to the sinuses; when coupled with the other two remedies about keeping the sinuses clear and avoiding mucus producing foods.


Source by Paul Sanchez

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