Three Tips a Man Needs For Autofellatio (Self Oral Simulation)

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Autofellatio is when a man performs fellatio on himself. The Kinsey institutes stated that only.02 -.03% of men are able to bring themselves to reach orgasm using this method. About 1 man in every hundred is able to make some contact with his penile head, but not enough to properly stimulate himself to orgasm.

There are three necessities that a man needs in order to perform this act:

1) Flat Abdomen – If a man has an excessive “gut” this will definitely impair his ability to perform this feature. The extra volume added to region gets in the way of true flexion of the spine.

2) Increased Spinal Flexibility – The spine is made up of many singular vertebrae that allow protection of the spinal cord, but also allow movement in the spine. These vertabrae are strongly held together by numerous ligaments. Through gravity training, yoga, and other forms of stretching, it is possible to stretch out these ligaments to increase flexibility in the spinal region. A word of warning: This can lead to hypermobility and instability in the spine which compromises the ability for the spine to protect the spinal cord under certain instances of trauma. If a man chooses to increase flexibility in his spine, it is advised to strengthen the paraspinal muscles to help compensate for laxity in the vertebral ligaments.

3) A Long Penis – Having an increased penile length is a necessity in autofellatio.The longer the penis, the better able one can perform autofellatio. In this case, “Size does matter.”

Professional assistance should be sought out when trying this technique, as it is not without risks.

I can’t help men lose the fat in their abdomen or teach them how to increase the flexibility of their spines, but I can offer some advice on penis enlargement and orgasm enlargement using natural methods. The book, IRON MAN PENIS teaches you how to do just that.


Georg von Neumann


Source by Georg Von Neumann

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