Tips and Tricks For Weight Loss and Healthy Living For Life

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We all know how difficult, frustrating and difficult it can be trying to figure out what to do to lose weight and how to lose weight.

Below are a some of my favourite tips and tricks I’ve come across that might help with losing weight and staying healthy.

– Eat less and burn more. Basically you need to burn more than you consume in order to lose weight, which can be best achieved via exercise and other physical activities.

– Join online support groups and interact with people with similar goals and aims for motivation and support

– Take before and after pics for motivation. This will help you stick to your goals.

– If you fancy eating something unhealthy, go for the low fat version or if not very tasty then eat very limit the intake of the one you do go for.

– Set realistic goals and work towards meeting them. You can always then think about this goals once you feel like indulging too much and see how much of a difference this will make.

– Swap white starchy sugary foods for wholemeal ones as they digests slowly, thus making you to feel less hungry.

– If you feel hungry, eat a healthy snack. A packet of walker crisps is about 181 calories compared to an apple of 50 calories which can keep you fuller for longer.

– Get enough sleep. You are required to have 8 hours of sleep in order to function properly.

– Chew your food slowly as if it were the last spoonful. This will help you eat less by letting your brain signal when you are full, and thus lose weight.

– Eat about 6 small meals a day as it keeps your body moving and makes you feel less hungry.

– Don’t worry much if you binge, just make sure you get back on track the next day.

– Keep a diary of your progress. It helps you work on your downfall areas

– Buy a beautiful expensive outfit a size smaller and work towards fitting into that outfit

– Do your own homemade meals instead of quick fast food ones. That way you know exactly what is in your food and how it has been prepared.This is also a cheaper alternative and can save you lots of pennies.

– Drink water before and during your meals to limit the amount of calories you consume.

– Check food labels properly before you buy them.

– Cut down on alcohol and high calorie drinks.

– Avoid foods high in saturated fat.

– Always eat breakfast. Never skip this or if you are in a hurry and have no time, why not try a banana on the go.


Source by Denise Ebs

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