Tips For Healthy Living

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A lot of factors affect your health, such as your genetic makeup and age. If your family has a hereditary illness like diabetes or hypertension, most likely you would have it too. But living a healthy lifestyle can prevent this from occurring. You can reduce the risk for heart diseases, stroke, cancer or any serious illness by properly taking care of your body.

Eat the proper food.

If you are at high risk for diabetes, then avoid sweet foods. If you are anemic, eat iron rich foods. Remember, not all tasty and delicious foods are healthy. You must eat the foods that your body only needs. An excess or lack of any nutrient might place your body in bad shape. Limiting processed foods is a good start. These foods are high in sodium, saturated fat and other content which can harm your body. Try organic ones, go green, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. For snacks, you can substitute a chocolate bar with an apple. Or put some fruits in your oatmeal such as bananas. If you are a meat lover, you can cut those fat portions of the meat. Or try eating fish- low in fats but rich in protein. Actually, there are a lot of healthy yet yummy options, just use flair of creativity.

Quit smoking

Smoking is really, very dangerous to your health. The toxic ingredients of cigarette which are nicotine and carbon monoxide prevent the affected cells from obtaining the full percentage of oxygen needed for them to function well. These toxic ingredients are carcinogenic which is one of the main reasons why lung cancer is very common with people who smoke cigarettes. Smoking can result to atherosclerosis, chronic lung injury, common obstructive pulmonary disease and worse- the development of cancer.

Smile, be positive

Let the good vibes in. Think less of the worries; always look on the bright side of everything. Laugh and hang out sometime, unwind from the stress. Visit spas and resorts, have fun. According to studies, happiness affects almost every aspect of health. Besides from making you feel and look young, being positive and happy prolongs your lifespan.

Be Active

Don’t be a potato couch, do some movement. Do some jogging, dancing, walking or gardening. Physical activity is very important for your health. Besides making you look good, exercising improves your total blood circulation and burns the fat off your body. Try weight lifting, this is very helpful if you want to maintain your weight while weight lifting for women who are near their menopausal stage is important for them to maintain their bone strength.


Source by Angelo Manreal

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