Tips for Treating Teenage Acne

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Dealing with pimples is a normal thing for millions of people, especially teenagers around the world. Affecting around 85% of teens at some point of their teenage years, acne is really a common skin disease all over the world. The worst thing about this skin problem is the psychological and emotional effect it can cause to people who experience outbreaks. Even if acne is almost natural for many of us, it should not be taken for granted as it can cause many bad effects to sufferers as well as its physical manifestation. It is really indeed very helpful to know the basic tips for treating acne acne.

Preventing pimples from showing up on your face may seem to be impossible, as there are so many things that can trigger its occurrence, these include; hormonal changes (which is uncontrollable), environmental problems such as dirt and dust and body chemical imbalances usually caused by stress.

The usual response in millions of us when experiencing potential outbreaks is to run towards the nearest pharmacist or grocery store and purchase those popular acne treatment products that promise positive results. The thing about these products however is, not all of them can give you the result that you want. We all have different skin types, so we all have varying skin problems and conditions. It follows that many of us may need a different skin treatment approach to suit our individual needs, a particular product may work wonders to your friend but it does not really mean it will work the same way for you.

Treating teenage acne may sound really difficult, you can never stop pimples from forming on your face, but by knowing the right tips for treating teenage acne, you can actually contain outbreaks and save your face from further ugly damages. You may not totally stop pimples from happening, but you can always prevent them from worsening.

Washing your face with cool water every day without using soap is a good way to minimize outbreaks. But if course, before you go to bed, you have to wash your face thoroughly using facial soaps and facial wash to effectively take off bacteria-carrying dirt and dust and make-up residues on pores of the skin.

Acne treatment products that come in facial creams, toners and facial wash can also reduce the risks of pimple activities. Any facial products that contain benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, salicylic acid and retinoic acid, can actually prevent the outbreaks.

And of course, you have to mix your treatment regimens with proper diet and taking enough rest. A diet rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, B3 and E helps keep the skin healthy and strong against irritants and pollutants.


Source by John Rodger

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