Top 10 Benefits of Male Chastity

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Many people find the concept of male chastity fun and exciting. This is particularly true if the male partner is somewhat submissive or the female partner is somewhat dominant. But, it’s not only for couples in those kinds of relationships. In fact, it can benefit almost any heterosexual relationship.

Male chastity is not just fun and games – there are real benefits to the male chastity lifestyle.

Because the topic is so personal, often those interested fear ridicule and embarrassment so, many of their questions go unasked. Just check out a forum or two where someone dared to ask a question about male chastity…”weirdo, whack job, pervert, sicko…” are often the unkind comments returned. It is a personal choice in life, like anything else and can be discussed sensibly like anything else. That’s why I want to take some time today to write about the top 10 benefits of male chastity – for those who are to shy to ask about being under loving lock and key.

1. It stops your man from wasting his time and libido masturbating. If you are in a relationship, all of his sexual energy should be directed at you. It should not be wasted on him touching himself and thinking about other women. As long as he can masturbate, he is psychologically cheating on you – and lying to you by default.

2. Your sex life will improve. Because he’ll have to please you in order to get his release, he’ll become a more experimental and better lover. You will have more orgasms per week than you’ve ever had before.

3. Your relationship will become stronger. Male chastity encourages open and honest communication about each other’s needs. This is an incredible benefit for any couple, and why male chastity can help any couple improve their natural bonding.

4. His orgasms will improve. As long as he can masturbate regularly, he is taking action that desensitizes his penis. Once he is on a more normal ejaculation schedule, his penis will become more sensitive and his orgasms will become stronger.

5. You will never have to worry about him cheating on you. Face it – most men, no matter how much they love their wives, can’t turn down an attractive, sexy woman. Male chastity makes it impossible for him to act on these urges, so you are helping him remain faithful.

6. The romance will come back into your relationship. As long as he knows he can have sex with you any time he wants, there’s no reason for him to romance you. That’s why the romance stopped after you got married. By limiting his sexual access to you, you’ll train him to be the romantic lover he was when you were still dating.

7. You’ll never have to perform oral sex on him again. Of course, you can if you want to; but he’ll be quite happy with any sort of release, and certainly never bother you to do it for him.

8. Your friends will compliment you on what a wonderful, attentive husband you have. They will be so jealous of your strong, committed relationship.

9. He’ll become much more helpful around the house. Knowing that the only way he can get the release his body craves so badly is by pleasing you, he’ll actually volunteer to do the dishes, clean the bathroom and make the bed every morning. Won’t that be nice?

10. He’ll feel better about himself. Most men are ashamed that they masturbate so often (usually seven to 15 times a weeks! Ewww!). But, they are slaves to their libido and can’t help themselves. It’s an addiction. Mostly it makes them feel like little boys who can’t control themselves. Once he no longer is able to give into the temptation to masturbate, he’ll feel proud of his self-control and behave more like a grown-up man who releases his sexuality into his wife, instead of down the shower drain.

Those are just the top 10 benefits of the male chastity lifestyle. While male chastity may not be for everyone – many couples find it to be the perfect solution to relationship woes and bedroom boredom!


Source by Sara L. Collins

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