Top 10 Weight Loss Tips – Tip 8 Get Enough Good Fats

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he F-word no longer needs to be ugly! Fat can actually help you lose weight! Here's the Skinny on Fat: you do not need to run like a hamster on a treadmill and avoid fat like the plague in order to keep a lean body. In fact, if you are avoiding certain types of fat, then you are not helping your body to lose weight and be healthy. Your body NEEDS healthy fat in order to function. Good fats help you absorb vitamins A, D, and E, and they are vital for your nervous system. Pick fats that are good for you, and avoid or limit the bad ones. If you do not know a healthy fat from an unhealthy fat, here's the skinny on which fats to eat and not eat.

The Good: Unsaturated Fats

Monounsaturated raise good HDL cholesterol and lower bad LDL cholesterol. They help prevent belly weight and help protect the buildup of plaque in your arms. You'll find these good fats in olive oil and olives, almonds, cashews, avocados and sesame seeds.

Polyunsaturated lower your LDL cholesterol levels and contain essential omega-3 fatty acids, which help promote brain function and strengthen your immune system and improve your mood. Poly fats also contain omega-6 fatty acids, which can keep skin and eyes healthy. You'll find these good fats in salmon, mackerel, herring, flaxseed, walnuts and tofu.

The Bad: Saturated Fats:

These guys raise cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart disease. You will find then in meat and in dairy products like cream, butter, and whole and 2 percent milk, and in some plant foods like palm oil. You need to limit your scheduled fats to about less than 10 percent of your total daily intake.

The Ugly: Trans Fats:

These guys are unsaturated and have been chemically altered to prolong the shelf life of processed, prepackaged foods. They raise bad LDL levels and lower good HDL levels, and cause a spike in inflammation in your body. They promote heart disease. You'll find these ugly guys in margarine, processed foods such as crackers, cookies, chips and cakes. Also in donuts, french fries and anything deep fried. How much of these ugly fats do you need? NONE !!! You need to avoid them like the plague. Your body was not designed to eat them and they will only reek havoc on your system.

I love getting healthy fats from almonds, avocados, seeds and olive oil! Even a competent of almonds or a couple of teaspoons of olive oil will give you the benefits your body needs to stay lean and healthy.


Source by Kate Cameron

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