Top Health Benefits of Infrared Saunas

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One simple benefit of the infrared sauna is that you can stay in them longer and much more comfortably. They're also as much as 90% more efficient than steam saunas are. In fact, you can run a small personal sauna for as little as five cents per half hour session. So what are some of the health benefits?

o Raises your level of "feel-good" endorphins.

Because sitting in a sauna puts your body in a state of mild stress similar to that that occurs when you exercise, your body releases feel-good hormones called endorphins as a result. Therefore, spending a session every day in an infrared sauna can help alleviate such psychological symptoms as moodiness, "the blues," or even help alleviate depression.

o Elevates the level of growth hormone in your body.

Because growth hormone is necessary for your body's ability to heal, burn fat, and stay at an optimal level of physical health, you need levels of growth hormone to stay at a certain level in your body. Unfortunately, as we get older, these levels drop. Taking a regular sauna will help improve your levels of growth hormone, which can help you heal faster, maintain muscle tone, and so on.

o May be therapeutic for cancer or heart patients.

In many cases, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy can help eliminate the drugs from their systems faster by utilizing an infrared sauna. This helps ensure that the drugs leave their systems after their usefulness is up so that they do not continue to be poisoned by them.

In addition, patients with congestive heart failure may also be helped because of the passive cardiovascular condition that occurs when one is undergoing a sauna. Of course, one must do so with the blessing of a physician, but oftentimes, congestive heart failure symptoms were improved after patients used an infrared sauna on a regular basis.


Source by Benjamin Wise

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