Type 2 Diabetes – Three Tips To Keep In Mind When Traveling With Diabetes

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Excited at the thought of going away on holiday? Traveling is something many people look forward to, but if you have Type 2 diabetes, perhaps you feel traveling is more stressful than it is worth. You may decide to avoid holidays just because of the fact you do not want to have to worry about dealing with your blood sugar level all the time. Feeling that way would be a shame because many good times are had on holiday. And, if you are smart in your approach, you do not need to forgo your travel plans.

Let us go over some of the best advice for those who are looking to travel. Use these tips and get ready to enjoy yourself…

1. Call Ahead. First, call ahead. See if your hotel happens to offer a mini fridge in some of their rooms or even better, a full-on kitchen as this can make a big difference. If you can eat even a few of your main meals in your room, it can save you a lot of calories and sugar you would otherwise have taken in.

2. Get Active In The Morning. The next tip is to be as active as you can in the morning. Get up early and enjoy a brisk walk around while you check out the sights. It is an ideal way to take in all your vacation has to offer while burning some calories and boosting your insulin sensitivity for the day ahead.

Those who exercise first thing in the morning are far more likely to get exercise in compared to those who exercise later on in the day. Do not let anything crowd out your workout as this will help influence several aspects of Type 2 diabetes. Aspects such as…

  • blood sugar concentrations,
  • insulin action, and
  • cardiovascular risk factors.

3. Plan Your Indulgences. Finally, make sure you plan out your indulgences. It is unrealistic to expect you will not eat anything unhealthy during your travels. But, if you don’t plan out what you will let yourself eat, without guilt hopefully, you may end up splurging way too much. So get it under control. Think about what is important to you to eat while you are away and make room for those foods. Eat a small serving and make sure you always eat them along with a source of protein to prevent a blood sugar spike that will set you up for health problems

Keep these tips in mind as you prepare for your holiday. You can have happy and healthy travels if you remember these few tips. Make sure your mindset is geared towards taking care of your health even when you have a few extra tasty treats.


Source by Beverleigh H Piepers

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