Untreated Gonorrhea Causes Long Term Health Problems

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Gonorrhea is a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) that is transmitted through an act of sex which is one of Gonorrhea causes. Gonorrhea has been one of the most widespread diseases throughout the world. Gonorrhea tends to occur among specific groups of people which include adolescents and young adults, drug users, poor people, people who lives in poor hygienic conditions.

Although the incidence of Gonorrhea had reduced in the past two decades, it has been raising its head again and the virus has been showing greater resistance to medicines and other treatments, thereby making treatment more difficult.

Let us take a look at the Gonorrhea causes. The virus that causes Gonorrhea is known as Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria. This is one of the prominent Gonorrhea causes. Gonorrhea is known to spread from one person to another through anal, oral, or vaginal sexual relations.

It is said that a man has a 20% chance of contactinging Gonorrhea if he has sexual relations with a woman who has contacted Gonorrhea. A woman has 50% chance of contacting Gonorrhea if she sexual relations with a man who has contacted Gonorrhea. A mother who has contacted Gonorrhea may pass on the disease to her newborn child from her.

Let us take a look at the Gonorrhea signs now. The Gonorrhea symptoms take varying times to appear, depending on the gender. While for men, it may be 2-10 days after the transmission while for a woman, it could be even three weeks. The symptoms are also varied and all of them need not necessarily appear at one time.

The symptoms are: urge to urinate frequently; inflammation at the genitals or the vagina; a burning and an itching sensation of the vagina that is accommodated by a thick yellow or green discharge which is known as Gonorrhea discharge; bleeding that occurs between menstrual periods and there can be many more.

Once you have been diagnosed with having Gonorrhea, you must not attempt to treat this disease at home and must consult a doctor immediately. The doctor usually tests the Gonorrhea discharge to verify whether it is actually Gonorrhea.

A sample of the discharge is taken and preserved under specific conditions in the laboratory to give the bacteria time to occurrence. This is done for about two days. The bacteria come out after about a couple of days. Most hospitals and clinics have kits that can easily screen Gonorrhea.

Other than consulting a doctor and following the medical stipulations strictly, it is also necessary to maintain squeakily hygienic conditions at home. Also, you can prevent an outbreak by having safe sex; using condoms that are of good quality and avoid having sex with multiple partners.


Source by Darren Norville

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