Want to Grow Taller? Practice Kicking

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Kicking of course is the act of forcefully using one’s legs to achieve some end, whether it be practicing a martial arts derived move, or kicking a soccer ball.

As we’ve discussed elsewhere, exercise and targeted stretching on key areas such as the legs and spine can result in stretching which effectively increases height. This must also be the case of kicking then correct? After all, your legs can’t be put through much more forceful effort than a powerful kicking motion.

The short answer is yes, kicking motions over a long period of time could almost certainly have the benefit of stretching out your leg muscles, increasing height. The long answer though is that it’s probably not the most savvy way of gaining height.

First let’s look at the science behind this phenomenon. By studying people who use kicking motions repeatedly, most notably kickboxers, we see that their legs are on average one to two inches longer than normal. Likewise, football kick specialists have a longer kicking leg than their other leg, through hundreds of reps of kicking a football each day.

The trouble is that to replicate these results takes both a greater deal of time than other ‘grow taller’ exercises, as well as a greater deal of effort, as repeated kicking can be extremely taxing on the body.

To gain the results achieved by these athletes, one would typically have to kick hundreds of times per day, even as many as a thousand times, and this can easily take upwards of an hour. It’s a great workout with its own benefits, but just in terms of gaining height, it’s a lot more effort and time expenditure than other routines with similar results.

If you are interested in taking up kicking for increasing your height, or as a combination of full on exercise with the added benefit of height gain down the line, you should purchase a good kick boxing style bag.

You’ll need to work on both legs in equal doses, typically doing 20 short snap kicks on each leg before switching. Do this about 20 times for each leg then take a break. You should repeat the same workout routine again later in the day, resulting in 800-1000 kicks per day on each leg.

If you’re already a soccer player or practice a form of martial arts or other training regime that includes a high volume of kicking, it certainly can’t hurt your height to continue doing so.

Kicking in one form or another with the express intent of growing taller may not be the most logical choice though. Consider doing it by way of other means, like the ones just mentioned if you’d like to try it, and not solely for its height gaining benefits.


Source by Rodney Williams

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