Water Retention – 7 Natural Tips to Relieve Bloating

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When women reach a point where they stop ovulating, it is called menopause. It indicates the end of fertility in women. Menopause affects different women differently. For some, menopause starts early, but most would experience it around the age of 50.

There is a reduction in the production of estrogen and progesterone in the body during and after menopause. The reduction of estrogen and other hormones in the body leads to many symptoms, and women resort to various ways and medications to replenish the depleted estrogen.

Retention is caused by an excessive accumulation of fluid in the body. It occurs in women during menopause or perimenopause often because they are taking estrogen replacement hormones. Too much water in the body is an indication of weak adrenals or kidneys, the circulatory system, or perhaps the heart.

Retaining water and/or bloating during menopause or perimenopause can easily be cured. The kidneys become fatigued on overloading, especially when you bloat due to fluid retention. It would be advisable to limit the intake of fluids.

Menopause and Ways to Reduce Water Retention

If you often bloat with water retention during menopause, try the following:

· Reduce salt intake – Excessive sodium in the blood leads to retaining water in the tissues. It would be ideal to cut down on junk foods. Avoiding salty fries, pepperoni pizza and other foods containing hidden salt, some types of salad dressings, cereals and canned soups would be a good start. Inculcate the habit of reading labels before buying food off the shelves.

· Get exercising – Start walking, bicycling, and similar activities. These can help reduce water build up in your body. With age, you generally tend to reduce such activities, when you actually need to do the exact opposite!

. Although ascorbic acid – Vitamin C – increases water output from the kidneys, its excessive use could stress your kidneys and there is a likelihood of increase in retaining water in the future. There are certain things you can try to increase the output of water from your body.

· Tincture of Dandelion – About 10 to 20 drops of this tincture is a great way to reduce your water levels. It helps in removing excess fluid from the cells, nourishing and toning your kidneys, the adrenals and the liver. It increases the ability to digest food and aids hormones to ease menopausal change.

· Dong Quai – When used regularly, it relieves bloating, and has a diuretic effect – increase in the discharge of urine. This oil also has a mild sedative effect, soothing the intestines and bladder.

· Helpful Foods – Eating asparagus, corn, cucumber, grapes, and watermelon may be helpful. Reduce intake of parsley, celery, black tea and coffee in order to avoid water retention.

· Other Remedies – Certain oils, such as cypress, geranium, juniper, lavender and rosemary, may help reduce water retention in your body. These essential oils may be used in the form of baths, gargles, mouthwashes, vaporizers, inhalants, as well as compresses and massages.

Trying these remedies, including reduced salt intake, will help in reducing water retention.


Source by Cathy Taylor

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