Ways to Take Care of a Hamster at Home

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Do you have a new hamster at home? Taking care of this new family member is not hard if only you know how.

First off, out of the different variety of food on the pet store, which of it would suits best for your hamster? The easiest way to buy pet food for is by buying the same exact type of food that your hamster was fed at the pet store.

Besides that, you can also give human food such as vegetable and fruits for your hamster. However, fruits can only be fed occasionally as the sugar content in it is too sweet for your hamster.

Then, some hamster might appear to be shy and timid at first. If you have a hamster which such characteristic, give some patience in helping your hamster to adapt to the new home. At times, they might bite you, but it is natural as they want to protect themselves. Just be patient with it.

Lastly, besides feeding your hamster, taking care of your hamster is important too. A healthy hamster should have items that meet his natural needs. Hamsters are born to run and explore around, so having a wheel could keep him well exercised.

Furthermore, preparing some tunnels and tubes can give them more space to run and explore around. This is to keep your hamster lively and not just rot in the cage.

In addition, hamsters need woods to sharpen their teeth as well. By putting wooden toys and structures in the cage can help the hamster to sharpen their teeth and keep them in its perfect shape.


Source by Harry Tan

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