What Causes Hyperthyroidism? How To Reduce Symptoms!

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The general message is there is no complete cure for this disease, although this has been proven wrong in some cases. By removing all symptoms is not necessary classified as a cure but being able to continue with a normal way of life. These symptoms are often treated with prescription medication. However, radioactive medication or surgery is not safe; there are certain risk factors and not always a positive result.

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid is overactive. There are several reasons that can cause hypothyroidism grave disease. One of the most common causes of hyperthyroidism is an autoimmune disorder disease. The body in this case makes an anti body protein to protect against a virus or bacteria. The body becomes overprotective for the thyroid gland and makes too much thyroid hormones. When this happens there are signs of restlessness, sweating, losing weight, feeling hot, heart racing, high blood pressure, and some others.

To Avoid

There’s no strict diet as such but what we eat and use does matter. Let’s have a look at the things we should avoid or use differently. In your diet, have less carbohydrates and avoid all gluten. Other food intolerance comes from wheat, and most dairy products, except goat, sheep and cows milk.

It is important to follow a grain free diet, go gluten-free and avoid soy. Avoid processed foods as much as possible; they have too much sugars, preservatives and trans fats (bad fat). This also includes any take away and commercially cooked foods; they also contain trans fatty acids and more.

Avoid caffeine and other stimulants, as well white bread, and pasta. Removing heavy metals and carbon-based toxins such as pesticides and herbicides this better be done before starting this type of diet or taking any supplements.

In the kitchen, change all plastic containers to glass or ceramic. Food should never be stored in plastics, not even water. Most plastics contain bisphenol (BPA) which bleaches into the food and affects the thyroid.

To Make That Difference

To treat any type of illness with a diet the natural way is a matter of selecting the correct ingredients to target that specific concern. Any such diet needs a variety of minerals, vitamins etc. The right combination will give the body what it needs to heal; this combination is than selected and will change to whatever illness being targeted.

These are foods to help ease hyperthyroidism grave disease symptoms, the right diet can cure or prevent hyperthyroidism. A good diet plan to consist of foods high in protein, B vitamin and iodine is often recommended by herbalists, also been followed up with lithium with good results. Please, do not confuse iodine with iodide. Iodine deficiency can lead to enlargement of the thyroid and Goiter.

A good source of iodine is in kelp or seaweed. These are available either as a supplement in powder form or capsules. Seaweed is a very rich source of many minerals which contain the ionic and trace elements which are also available as supplements. Celtic ocean sea salt, nature’s best natural salt has the perfect balance of minerals, nutrients, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc and iodine. Never use processed or refined table salt.

All cruciferous vegetables should also be included which there is a great variety to choose from, such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, kale etc.

Also get enough good healthy fats like coconut oil, avocado, wild salmon, and beef from grass-fed cows.

Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids that help improve thyroid function. Use only coconut oil for cooking, frying, and baking. Although make sure it is pure extra virgin organic coconut oil, which you can add two table spoons to smoothies as well to milk and drink it. Use apple cider vinegar in your salad. Also make some drinks: Add two table spoons of organic apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water, add a little of honey and drink two to three glasses every day.

Very important is omega 3 included in the diet. The body cannot make it so it must come from the food you eat. A good source of omega 3 is fish or krill oil which is rich in fatty acids. You also will get some of this from the coconut oil. Another good source of omega 3 comes from pure natural cold pressed olive oil; use for salad dressing etc., not for cooking.

It is also important to include vitamin D for thyroid disease. Expose a large area of the skin to the sun for about 20 to 30 minutes or less until you adjust, but don’t get burned. However, the midday sun is the best for a quick daily top up of natural vitamin D. Not only is this vitamin important for hyperthyroidism, the body needs it for many other functions to keep in optimal health.


Source by Josef Bichler

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