Withdrawal Symptoms

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Suboxone withdrawl

Suboxone will cause withdrawal pains when you stop taking it. It contains buprenorphine which will cause the withdrawal. It is less painful than some drugs and will not last as long. Suboxone withdrawal symptoms include yawning, nausea, sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, pain, leg restlessness, irritability, anxiety, cold or flu symptoms and insomnia.

Suboxone is available for treatment of Opioid addiction. It helps to reduce the symptoms of Opiate dependence. This drug is also use for maintenance. There are thousand of treatment centers across the nation that will help with this addiction. To avoid severe withdrawal you need to taper off slowly. Make sure you are under a doctors care. Even though it is an aid in Opiate addiction, this drug can become addictive as well. The effect are devastating.

Suboxone does have some benefits. It will decrease cravings and relieve withdrawal symptoms. This will help you stay in treatment and overcome your Opiate addiction. By having your cravings better controlled, you can focus better on your treatment. It is very important to take this as directed. Abuse of this drug can lead to death. Withdrawal symptoms of Suboxone are milder than withdrawal from opiate.

Withdrawals from Suboxone can be very scary and can last a long time as well. Flexible or fixed dosages can be used. Tapering off is the best method. It usually takes 2-5 days for the worst part to go away. For mild symptoms is a couple of weeks. Sometimes withdrawal can last a few months as well. Dependence on Suboxone means you will experience painful withdrawal. Addiction means that you will not only experience the withdrawal but will crave the high that you get from it.

Addiction is a terrible thing to have with any drug. There are drugs out there that will help you ease off your problem. Is substituting one drug for another really a good thing? Maybe yes and maybe no. Suboxone will help you come off your opiate addiction with less pain. Coming off the Suboxone will be less painful and you will have less time. Remember to be in a good treatment center and under a doctors care. This will help you stay in control.


Source by Peter David Wendt

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