A Take on Disability Insurance

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Everyone will probably need the protection of a disability insurance. Beside, no one and nothing can predict when anything can happen, so it's always best to be on the safe side. However, it does not mean that just because this is something needed, one can just jump at any offer or deal presented by an insurance agent. Of course, the wisest thing to do would be to study one's options before actually making that purchase.

Usually, an insurance agent would recommend what is termed as an "own occupation" policy which is good for about five years. Even when you're with an employer, this is still the usual length of time involved in a policy like this. Here, if you're entitle to disability insurance benefit by virtue of employment, you will find it wise to support this coverage with something that extends the benefits through life. In other words, get a long-term disability plan if you simply want to be sure. After all, everyone desires to be insured more than five years. And the risks do not necessarily disappear after any period of time so it's best to have that level security for as long as it's needed.

There are instances when an employer actually decides to shoulder his employees' individual disability policies with a Group Disability plan. You will have the liberty to choose how long you want your waiting period to be if you're securing that individual disability insurance yourself. Part of the procedure is the company researching about you and your background and using whatever information is obtained to decide whether or not to grant you a policy. Other individual disability policies you may have purchased will not have a bearing on this decision and neither will a longer term plan expire until benefits form the policy has been maximized.

There are more considerations to be made when deciding which disability insurance plan to get. This type of policy is not as common as life insurance but there is no question about the fact that both are equally important. For the simple reason that no coverage means no security, both life and disability insurance policies are essential in ensuring that a family's lifestyle is maintained through all circumstances.


Source by Vanessa Powers

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