Effective Ways To Treat Your Asthma

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Asthma is a permanent, lifelong condition that many people have to live with. Unfortunate as it is, it is chronic and currently has no cure. People who suffer from asthma have many reasons as to why they suffer from it. Still, there are a myriad of treatment options available to keep it at bay. This article will discuss some of the common treatment methods.

Patients who suffer from asthma should avoid contact with animals. Animals which have a lot of fur can trigger the inflammation of airways in asthma patients, making their symptoms much worse. Common animals that asthma patients should seek to avoid are: dogs, cats, gerbils, hamsters, rabbits and mice. Not only does pet dander serve as a common asthma trigger, but so do other things that are produced by animals. If you have any pets, find a safe home for them as they can worsen your asthma symptoms over time.

Make sure that you keep the levels of humidity in your home low. Humidity in your home enables the growth of mold. Mold spores will contaminate your air and trigger asthma symptoms or make them worse. If you live in an area that's high in humidity, consider purchasing a dehumidifier to keep the humidity levels lower in your home.

Wash all of your bedding and linens at least once a week. Dust mites are microscopic creatures that are invisible to the naked eye but live in common household items such as bedding, sheets, pillows and stuffed toys. These mites survive on shed human skin particles and thrive in humid conditions. While these dust mites are harmless to most people, people who suffer from asthma may find this as a common trigger. This means you should make sure you wash all of these items at least once a week as stated and avoid displaying too many cloth items in your room.

People who suffer from asthma do not have to avoid exercise altogether, but it is advisable that they take it easy. Asthma sufferers can participate in sports that require short periods of exertion such as volleyball, wrestling, gymnastics and baseball. It is still important to keep in mind that not everyone can participate in exercising if they have severe asthma. Consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen. If you have a cold, suffer from outdoor allergies or the weather is cool, make sure that you do any and all warm-up exercises indoors.

It is not too common for people to have an asthma attack as a result of food allergies, although it can still occur. While the average person suffices from hives, rash or sickness when they ingest foods they are allergic to, people who have asthma can trigger attacks and sometimes anaphylaxis. The most common asthma triggers can be found in the following foods: eggs, milks, soy, wheat, peanuts, fish, shrimp, salad and fruits. Asthma attacks can also be triggered from foods that contain preservatives such as sodium and potassium metabisulfite. If you know for a fact you have asthma and are allergic to any of the items mentioned, avoid these triggers. If you find that you can not avoid them at all costs, consider getting allergy shots.

You do not have to let asthma limit your everyday life. This article has given you a great head start to reducing your asthma symptoms and triggers. Use what you have learned here today to start living an asthma free life!


Source by Krisanto Lin

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