Potential customers are looking for you on the internet. Will they find you? When they find you, will they know that you are an expert at what you do? Do you have more than one area of expertise? Having too many keywords on a single site can be counter productive. Here are some ideas for presenting your business without confusing your prospect.
Set up a separate website with a URL that includes the area of expertise or keywords you want to optimize. This does not have to cost a lot of money or involve your web master. Use a blog and host it on a separate server (Host Gator is great for this purpose) so you can use your own domain name. For example, if you are an attorney, you could use estate planning.
Once you have created the blog, load it up with information about estate planning. Add articles, links to whitepapers, checklists etc. If this is not material you have created, be sure and get the author's permission for creating a link to their material. On your home page add a banner ad for your businesses. Be sure and list ways for your readers to contact you including a link to your website.
If you have more than one area of expertise, create a blog site for each area. For example if you or others in your office specialize in real estate closings, create a separate blog site. Use your keywords – do not forget to localize your keywords by adding your city, county or state to the keyword.
Why does this work?
Because the site is content rich and focuses on a narrow topic that is keyword rich – the search engines will naturally rank your site higher when those keywords are used for searches. Keep in mind that one key factor in ranking is keyword density. This means the number of times your keyword is used on any given page. The rule of thumb is that 2-3% of your page should be keywords.
When your site does come up in the top rankings, the content makes it far more reliable than a generic website. You are demonstrating that you are the "go to" person in this field.
By placing an ad on the home page, you are showing that you are the expert in this area and the person to contact when the reader resonates with what you have written.
What you are looking for is search engines will rank your site higher and the creditability of the site will get your readers to click through. Once they are on your site, they will research the topic and then click on your banner advertisement.
Source by Sue White