Reducing Body Fat through Fitness at Home

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Exercising at home is often the last place you think about when it comes to losing weight, staying fit and just generally maintaining an active lifestyle. In reality, the home has to be one of the most effective and convenient locations to exercise. We spend many ‘dead’ hours in our home, doing next to nothing, watching TV, relaxing and being quite unproductive. In addition, with the lack of spare time to take advantage of the benefits that exercise offers due to our hectic schedules and busy lifestyles, time is one of the most common reasons why we can exercise, even though we know how much we should! Now we can make this so simple. 15-20 minutes is all it takes to get started – to build a solid foundation of strength, endurance, balance and flexibility.

Home however, is the perfect environment to exercise. When shown how to exercise correctly there are hundreds of exercises you can perform at home effectively with minimal or no equipment.

Your greatest asset to working out at home though is motivation and confidence in your ability to perform the exercises safely and effectively.

To set up a basic fitness room in your house, all you would need is the following items:

o Fit Ball

o Exercise Tubes

o 1 Pair of Dumbbells

o Jump Rope And…

o Yourself

That’s it! You are ready to go. The above listed equipment offers such an abundance of variety to keep your body stimulated and guessing for years of training at home.

The key to any exercise program, regardless of goals, objectives and equipment is ICV – Intensity, Consistency and Variety. The combination of these three parameters alone will determine your successes.

Intensity – refers to how much effort you put into your training. The best way to monitor your exercise intensity is by measuring your heart rate. Take 2 fingers and place them on the side of your neck. Count the number of ‘pulses’ in 15 seconds a multiply by 4. This will give your beats per minute or BPM.

Consistency – refers to your frequency of exercise. You should be making exercise a part of your ‘daily’ life. Yes that’s right, daily! Whether it is going to the gym, playing tennis, golf, trekking or yoga – whatever it may be.

Variety – this is essential. Constantly varying the stimulus of exercise ensures your body constantly changes, adapts and progresses. I like to sue the analogy of reading a book. If you read the same book over and over again, you are not going to learn anything new, are you?

Fitcorp Asia is also the only organisation in Thailand to offer Online Fitness Training. At a fraction of the cost of one-on-one personal training, OFT allows anyone with internet access can now have access to personalized exercise programming and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We will discuss this in more details in future articles or log onto or to learn more on how Fitcorp Asia is innovating the personal fitness industry.


Source by Daniel Remon

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