Did you know that a third of all people that have diabetes are not aware that they have diabetes? Symptoms may seem tolerable, and most people just move on and do not pay attention to the bodies warning signals. Know you have diabetes or if you are pre diabetic, is important because you can start improving your life style and making the necessary changes to lessen the effects of diabetes in the future.
Sometimes people experience type 2 diabetes symptoms but do not get a check up, since these systems can just be overlooked. Take a look at some of the symptoms that are associated with type 2 diabetes.
-Feeling thirsty.
-Having to urinate more than usual.
-Firing more hungry than usual.
-Losing weight without trying to.
-Feeling very tired.
-Feeling cranky.
-Lots of infections and cuts and bruises that heal slowly.
-Blurred vision.
-Tingling or numbness in your hands or feet.
-Lots of skin, gum, or bladder infections.
-Vaginal yeast infections.
At first, your blood sugar level may rise so slowly that you may not know that anything is wrong. It is important to find out early if you have diabetes because treatment can prevent damage to the body from diabetes. Even though type 2 diabetes is commonly associated with being over weight that does not mean that just because you are not overweight you are safe from having type 2 diabetes. Also, type 2 diabetes usually arises in adult years, but children can also be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Sometimes Type 2 diabetes develops so slowly that you do not have symptoms until you already have some more serious problems from the disease. Many people are pre diabetic, when blood sugar levels are above normal but not high enough to have diabetes, for years before they know theyve develop Type 2 diabetes.
If you suspect you are experiencing any of these symptoms, go see your doctor. As the saying goes, it's better to be safe than sorry. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, work with your doctor and follow your treatment plan. This usually consist of a healthy diet, regular exercise and checking your glucose levels more often. Working closely with your doctor can help you feel better and in more control of diabetes. With your treatment plan you can help delay or even prevent serious health complications by keeping your blood sugar under control.
Source by Siporah Anicama