Types of Hamsters

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There are 5 types of hamsters. These are the Syrian hamster, Dwarf Campbell Russian Hamster, Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster, Chinese Hamster and Roborovski Hamster.

Syrian Type

The Syrian Hamster lives alone in the wild and it feels much happier when it's alone in captivity too. Syrian Hamsters can be aggressive with each other and can seriously hurt each other. Never keep Syrian Hamsters in a pair or a group. Syrian Hamsters are the most commonly found in pet stores. The Syrian Hamster is sometimes referred to as 'The Golden Hamster' due to its original wild golden coloring though today there are many different color and coat mutations. It is also sometimes referred to as the Standard or Fancy Hamster and Long Haired Syrian hamsters are sometimes referred to as 'Teddy Bear Hamsters'. Female Syrian Hamsters are larger than male Syrian Hamsters.

Dwarf Winter White Russian

The Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamster is also known as the Djungarian Dwarf Hamster. It originates from the steppes of Northern Kazakhstan and Siberia. When kept outdoors it gets a white winter coat. This is a natural protective color during a period when its original habitat is covered in snow. Hamsters are most comfortable at temperatures between 65 ° F / 18 ° C and 80 ° F / 26 ° C and should always be housed indoors. Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters can be housed in a group, preferably of the same gender. They can only be housed in groups if brought together from a young age.

Dwarf Campbell Russian

Dwarf Campbell Russian Hamsters are closely related to Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters. Because of its thick coat, the Campbell's appears somewhat larger than Dwarf Russian Hamsters, but in fact it's not. Campbell's tend to become fatter in captivity than the Russian Hamsters. The Campbell's coat is yellow-brownish with a thin, sharply lined dorsal stripe. Its coat turns slightly grayer in winter. Dwarf Campbell Russian Hamsters can live in groups of the same gender.


The Chinese Hamster is a long-tailed dwarf hamster and not nearly related to the other dwarf hamsters. Chinese hamsters should also be housed alone; one per cage. The Chinese Hamster's coat is not as woolly as that of the other species. Its fur lies close and dark-brown dorsal stripe on its back is not always clearly visible and its belly is light gray. The Chinese Hamster has dark ears, lightly edged. The male has a striking large scrotum.


The Roborovski Hamster is also a short-tailed dwarf hamster, but its yellow-brown coloring and striking whiskers lend it a totally different appearance to the other two short-tailed species of dwarf hamsters. Roborovski Hamsters are much less well knows and they breed very few young. The Roborovski Hamster. Is the smallest dwarf hamster. Its body measures only seven to nine centimeters in length and its tail is barely visible. Its back is a brownish-yellow with gray under coloring. Sometimes the yellow on its back appears somewhat rusty in color. Roborovski Hamsters do not have dorsal stripes. Roborovski Hamsters can live in groups of the same gender.


Source by Nadia Vella

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