Vitamins and Minerals that Promote and Stimulate Hair Growth in Men and Women

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Nutrition is not just vital to your overall health, but is important to the health of your hair as well. While our bodies need a variety vitamins and minerals to support certain functions, there are specific ones that will promote healthy hair.

Check all nutritional labels before taking any supplements to determine your daily allowance. Believe it or not, it is possible to overdose on vitamins and minerals, and taking too much of these could possibly result in hair loss, or other health related issues.

Vitamin A- An antioxidant that helps maintain natural oils in the scalp. Can be found in milk, eggs, cheese, meats, spinach, broccoli, and cabbage.

Calcium – Helps hair growth. Can be found in dairy, nuts, and beans.

Vitamin C – One of nature’s most powerful antioxidants. Maintains healthy hair and skin. Can be found in fruits, potatoes, and green vegetables.

Chromium – Helps regulate blood sugar levels, which affects hair loss. Can be found in beef and whole wheat bread.

Vitamin E- An antioxidant that benefits scalp circulation. Can be found in vegetable oils, nuts, beans, and green vegetables.

Copper – Strengthens the hair and prevents hair loss. Can be found in shellfish, green vegetables, eggs, beans, and chicken.

Biotin – Produces keratin, which makes up the hair, skin, and nails. Can be found in eggs, whole grains, rice, and milk.

Iodine – Prevents dry hair and hair loss. Can be found in fish, seaweed, garlic, and iodized salt.

Inositol – Promotes follicle health. Can be found in whole grains and citrus fruits.

Iron – Prevents hair loss and anemia. Can be found in eggs, fish, chicken, whole grains, green vegetables, and dried fruits.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) – Improves scalp circulation. Can be found in fish, chicken, turkey, and other meats.

Magnesium – Helps hair growth by working with calcium. Can be found in whole grains, green vegetables, nuts, and fish.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) – Prevents hair loss. Can be found in whole grains, eggs, and certain meats.

Manganese – Improves hair growth. Can be found in whole grains, eggs, nuts, beans, fish, and chicken.

Vitamin B6 – Prevents hair loss. Can be found in whole grains, vegetables, eggs, and certain meats.

Potassium – Promotes circulation and helps hair growth. Can be found in bananas, brown rise, garlic, nuts, dried fruits, raisins, and yogurt.

Vitamin B12 – Prevents hair loss. Can be found in eggs, fish, chicken, and milk.

Selenium – Promotes scalp health. Can be found in fish, whole grains, certain meats, and broccoli.

Silica – Creates stronger hair. Can be found in seafood, rice, and green vegetables.

Sulfur – Creates stronger hair. Can be found in garlic, eggs, onions, milk, cheese, and fish.

Zinc – Prevents dry hair and oily skin by working with Vitamin A. Can be found in mushrooms, spinach, whole grains, and red meat.

By creating a natural diet that provides the above vitamins and minerals, you can help prevent hair loss and even stimulate hair growth. It is also beneficial to take a daily vitamin that provides the above ingredients.


Source by Matt Adler

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