7 Ways to Beat High Cholesterol Safely


The term high cholesterol refers to a high concentration of cholesterol, a waxy fatty substance, and other lipids (fats) in the bloodstream. This condition is a known risk factor for heart disease.

The most common doctor-recommended treatment for high cholesterol is a statin drug. Statin drugs are accompanied by numerous side effects. There is no research proving the drugs are beneficial for people who do not have ongoing heart disease.

However, normalizing your cholesterol will definitely improve your health. Fats in the blood make the blood thicker which raises blood pressure and puts stress on the arteries, as well as the heart.

Here, you can learn more about why high cholesterol happens and how it can be helped.

Why High Cholesterol Happens

High cholesterol results from a combination of factors including unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity. Excessive alcohol intake and smoking cigarettes also increases cholesterol levels.

When it comes to diet, dietary cholesterol such as that found in eggs and shrimp, has less of an effect on blood cholesterol levels than saturated and trans-fats. Trans-fats are man-made fats found primarily in processed foods. They are listed as partially hydrogenated vegetable oils on ingredient labels. Efforts are being made to eliminate trans-fats from processed foods but currently they are still present in many foods. Diets high in trans-fats are a separate risk factor for heart disease.

Cholesterol is also produced by the liver because it is an essential component of the body’s cells. This means that cholesterol, itself, is not bad. Excessive cholesterol is the problem.

When there is too much cholesterol in the bloodstream, it is taken back to the liver for reprocessing. The liver may attempts to “dump” some of it through the digestive system. But this dumped cholesterol can get reabsorbed into the bloodstream. So, there are multiple pathways for cholesterol to get in your blood.

You may have seen commercials for statins saying that high cholesterol happens because of your family history. There is a condition called familial hypercholesterolemia that must be treated with drugs. In the condition, the liver produces excess cholesterol for unknown reasons. But the condition is rare. You probably don’t have it.

How High Cholesterol Can Be Helped

It has been proven without a doubt that high cholesterol can be helped without drugs.

The methods for lowering cholesterol that work safely include:

· Increased physical activity – exercise raises good HDL levels which in turn lowers bad LDL levels and total cholesterol counts

· Eliminating trans-fats from the diet

· Reduced intake of saturated fats and total fats – a low-fat diet

· Quitting smoking – smoking affects the liver and causes it to produce more cholesterol

· Limit alcoholic beverages to one (for a woman) or two (for a man) drinks per day – have not more than four drinks on any one occasion

· Eat more fiber-rich foods such as oatmeal and whole grains – fiber absorbs and carries cholesterol out of the body

· Take a good dietary supplement to maintain healthy cholesterol levels naturally

Numerous supplements on the market have been shown to help lower blood cholesterol. The best ones include the following:

· Beta-sitosterol – a cholesterol-like substance that interferes with cholesterol absorption

· Policosanol – interferes with the liver’s cholesterol production through a different pathway than that of statin drugs – does not interfere with COQ10 production, a side effect of statins

· Tea theaflavins – raise good HDL cholesterol levels

· D-limonene – dissolves cholesterol

· Rice bran oil – converts cholesterol to bile acids, increases bile acid secretion, inhibits cholesterol reabsorption in the digestive system

Most supplements contain only one of those ingredients. The best contain them all. If you want help for high cholesterol, you want the best.

Next You can learn about a natural supplement that can give you the proper nutritional support so that your body’s process can go to work to help with beating high cholesterol.

Please click the BEAT HIGH CHOLESTEROL SAFELY link below in the resource author box.


Source by Larry L. Taylor

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