All Types of Stomach Diseases Predicted in Astrology


The planetary positions in a horoscope clearly indicate the nature of the disease one would suffer from, the time and the cause of physical suffering can be previously ascertained and an appropriate remedy can be made to minimise the malefic affects.

Factors Responsible For Stomach Ailments

· Sun: fever, bile, Sun causes physical disorders and those arising from Heat.

· Moon: stomach, fluidic and lymphatic systems, diabetes, anaemia

· Mars: inflammatory, bile, gall bladder, boils, burns, tumours, causes inflammatory disorders.

· Jupiter: absorptive system, diabetes, jaundice, stomach troubles, abscesses.

· Saturn: denotes chronic complaints, stomach troubles, gastric problems, different forms of cancers, tumours

· Rahu [dragon head]: diseases of spleen, ulcer, diseases difficult to be diagnosed

· Ketu [dragon tail]: stomach troubles, pains, diseases from unknown causes, wounds

· Mercury: abdomen, bowels, bile

· Virgo/6th house: intestinal and digestive organs, abdominal diseases, solar plexus and bowels

· Scorpio/8th house: excretory system and bladder

Different Combinations for Stomach Problems

Constipation and Flatulent dyspepsia [gastric problem]

· Sun, Moon and Mars in 6th, indicates gastric problems.

· Ascendant is Capricorn/Aquarius, waning Moon and a malefic placed in it.

· Waning Moon and a malefic placed in 6th/8th

· Moon and a malefic posited in 6th and aspected by a malefic

· Ascendant is aspected by Mars and Venus, and a malefic planet posited in 6th and being aspected by a malefic planet gives the problem of chronic constipation

Dyspepsia and anorexia [impaired function of digestive system]

· 8th lord is weak, malefic planets posited in ascendant and 8th indicates weak digestive system

· Mars in ascendant and 6th lord is weak

· Lords of 6th and 12th exchange their houses

Diarrhoea and Dysentery

· Jupiter in Virgo/6th, being afflicted

· Venus in 7th with a malefic and aspected by a malefic, causes dysentery and diarrhoea to the native

· Jupiter and Moon in 6th,in their period and sub period there may be chances of having the problems of diarrhoea and dysentery


· Sun in 6th, aspected by a malefic and lord of 6th is with malefic chances of having acidity increases

· Sun in 8th, a malefic in 2nd and the Mars is weak gives the problem of acidity

· Lord of ascendant and mercury are posited in 6th

Peptic ulcer

· Mars in 7th with a malefic and aspected by a malefic gives the problem of peptic ulcers

· Moon is with a malefic is being placed in 6th, aspected by a malefic and Mars is placed in 7th native may suffer from peptic ulcer


· 12th and 6th lords exchange each other houses, the native may suffer from colitis besides stomach pain

Cancer of abdomen

· 5th house afflicted by Saturn and Rahu gives the problem of stomach cancer

· 6th/8th/12th lord, aspect by Saturn and Rahu give serious diseases like cancer in that part of body in which the lords are posited. Like 6th lord posited in 5th house aspect by Saturn and Rahu may give stomach cancer.

· Saturn and Mars posited in 6th, aspected by the Sun/Rahu, having weak ascendant, the native may suffer from prolong stomach problem may resulting in cancer

Ascitis [abdominal dropsy]

· Saturn in Cancer sign and Moon in Capricorn, gives the problem of stomach dropsy

Fistula and piles

· Jupiter is with the lord of 6th/8th and placed in 7th/8th house, gives the problem of fistula and piles

· Ascendant and Mars are in Virgo and associated/aspected by Mercury the disease of fistula arises

· Lord of ascendant aspected by Mars, gives the problem of piles

· Saturn is placed in ascendant and Mars in 7th, the native may suffer from piles.


· Saturn/Jupiter being lord of 6th, placed in 4th, the native may have vomiting tendencies.

· Waning Moon and a malefic placed in 6th/8th indicates vomiting tendencies





Source by Geeta Jha

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