Bad Gums Could Mean a Bad Heart


Going to the dentist may not be a place you enjoy going to but it is necessary in maintaining a healthy body. The mouth is the gateway to the rest of the body, and every day it comes under attack from millions of bacteria. An estimated 80% of American adults suffer from some form of periodontal disease. Unfortunately, that means that most dental care products do little or nothing to address bacteria which is the root cause of many oral health problems.

Your mouth houses more than 400 species of bacteria. The fact is no other place in the body contains such a wide diversity of bacteria. Oral care affects more than just the health of your mouth. There is a report of the Surgeon General called the mouth "a mirror of health or disease." This statement says the mouth is "the center of vital tissues and functions that are critical to total health and well being across the life span." Oral health is associated with the heart, according to one leading study, published in the prestigious British Medical Journal, following nearly 10,000 subjects for over 17 years. Researchers found that those with periodontal disease had a 25% increase in the risk of coronary heart disease.

Your typical oral care products help strengthen teeth with fluoride, but do little or nothing about the bacteria, which is the root cause for the tooth to decay. Anyone who has visited a dentist are familiar with terms like Plaque, Tartar, Cavities and Periodontal disease (which is gum disease). What's not commonly known is all share a common cause which is bacteria. A specific type of bacteria known as S. mutans, play a major role in tooth decay.

What can be done? As you know brushing is simply not enough. Look for dental care products that contain natural ingredients like xylitol, a natural sweetener that fights cavities by supporting the restoration of tooth enamel. Other ingredients to look for are Melaleuca oil, Propolis and Myrrh. These ingredients target bacteria. The next time you pick up your tooth brush you might want to think about the current product you may be using. Remember your oracle health is associated with your heart.


Source by Lorenia Muwwakkil

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