Can Masturbation Cause Loss of Penis Feeling?


According to recent surveys, 85% or more of all men experience some degree of lost penis sensation, some as early as their teenage years. Obviously, reduced penis sensitivity is an alarming problem, with the first concern being whether there is any hope of restoring normal sensation. There are several possible causes for this potentially devastating issue, including underlying health issues such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease, as well as spinal injuries.

For most men, however, the answer may be much more straightforward; frequent masturbation can, over time, reduce the tactile sensitivity of the penis and lead to penile desensitization. Fortunately, researchers have identified a number of penis-specific vitamins and minerals which may help to protect against loss of sensation and even restore diminished sensitivity.

How does masturbating affect penis sensation?

Masturbation can affect penis sensitivity in two basic ways:

1. Dry rubbing of the penis causes friction, which results in damage to the outer layers of dermal tissue. The damage may not be visible to the naked eye, or it may only present as reddened skin or mild soreness which resolves quickly on its own; however, as the damaged skin cells are replaced, the new skin is thicker, creating a barrier between the outer layers of skin and the nerve receptors under the skin’s surface. This, of course, means that more friction is necessary to create a pleasurable sensation, beginning the cycle over again. Over time, men who masturbate often without protecting and nourishing the penile skin or providing the nutrient support needed to promote healing may experience a notable loss of sensitivity.

2. Under the skin covering the head and shaft of the penis is a delicate network of nerve tissue. These tiny fibers are responsible for transmitting the tactile sensation which occurs during manual rubbing or intercourse to the brain, creating feelings of pleasure. However, constant friction caused by masturbation, sex, or even restrictive clothing can damage the delicate nerve endings. Without sufficient nutrients such as the vitamins, minerals and amino acids needed to repair damaged nerve tissue quickly and stimulate proper nerve function, the rate of nerve cell death may outpace the formation of new tissue; this can result in a loss of sensation over time.

What are the symptoms of penis desensitization?

Men who are experiencing loss of penis sensation will, of course, require greater stimulation to feel sexual pleasure. This effect may range from mild to pronounced, with some men reporting that they are unable to feel any sensation on certain areas of the penis. The results of this issue vary, with some men taking much longer to reach an orgasm, and others becoming unable even to experience an erection. In some cases, men with reduced penis sensitivity may have orgasms without any feeling of pleasure.

How to prevent loss of penis sensitivity

The key to preventing lost penis sensation is to provide the penile skin and nerves with the nutrients needed to heal quickly and restore damaged tissue. In addition, moisturizing the penis and creating a protective barrier to prevent dehydration protects the skin from further damage and leaves the skin’s surface smooth, supple, and responsive to the touch.

Can penis sensation be restored?

For men whose lost penis sensation is the result of desensitized skin or nerve tissue, rebuilding the damaged cells through the use of vitamins such as C, E, and B5, as well as amino acids such as L-arginine, can restore the damaged tissue and promote adequate penis sensitivity.

How to provide nutritional support for the penis

Even for the most nutrition-savvy of men, getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals in the diet to promote penis health can prove to be a significant challenge; and unfortunately, the truth is that most oral nutritional supplements are poorly absorbed and do not provide the full benefits of the nutrients they contain. On the other hand, treating the penis skin directly, using a specialized penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can ensure that these vitamins and minerals are delivered directly where they are needed most – to the skin of the penis, where they can be absorbed and provide the maximum penis health benefits. In addition, penis treatments containing natural moisturizers such as shea butter, vitamin E and vitamin A can improve the overall texture and elasticity of the skin.


Source by John Dugan

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