Drink Beetroot Juice to Boost Iron Deficiency Anemia


What is Iron-Deficiency Anemia?

It is a condition where the number of red blood cells in the blood is low, thus causing a low blood count. It occurs because your red blood cells do not contain enough hemoglobin, a iron-rich protein that causes blood to be red in color.

What Causes Anemia?

There are several causes of anemia, which include:

  • Iron deficiency
  • Kidney disease
  • Pregnancy
  • Poor nutrition
  • Deficiency of vitamin B12 known as pernicious anemia
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Thalassemia
  • Alcohol
  • Bone marrow related anemia
  • Aplastic anemia
  • Hemolytic anemia
  • Active bleeding, eg. heavy bleeding during menstration.

Symptoms of Anemia

Low red blood cell count means that there is little oxygen going to the tissues in the body, and it is this lack of oxygen that causes anemia. The symptoms and include:

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Looking pale
  • Palpitations
  • Decreased energy
  • Shortness of breath

Treating Anemia With Beet Juice

Beetroot juice is possibly the best natural remedy for anemia. It contains excellent cleansing properties with a high iron content that restores red blood cells whilst supplying oxygen and increasing the blood count.

As a valuable source of iron and beets are an excellent natural source to reverse anemia.

It is of great benefit to women during their menstrual cycle and those going through the menopause.

It is recommended that you drink one pint daily of blended beet juice. The base blend should be with carrot juice but you can add apples, pineapple, coconut flesh, spinach or cucumber depending on what other ailments you want to cure.

Beet Juice Recipes

Beetroot should only be used in its raw state. That is because the powerful betalain it contains is reduced during cooking, and oxalic acid crystals are released forming calcium stones when heated.

Basic Ingredients:

  • 12oz Carrots Juice
  • 4oz Beetroot Juice (use one small beetroot. The are sweeter)
  • Add other vegetables or fruits according to the recipe you choose

Basic Directions

  • Using cold water wash and brush the vegetables with a stiff vegetable brush.
  • Remove the carrot tops
  • Remove skin on waxed vegetables such as cucumber
  • Leave on beetroot tops
  • Dice vegetables to fit into your juicer or blender
  • Juice or blend, chill and serve

Depending on what texture you want, you can either juice or blend the ingredients. In blending you will use all of the vegetables, nothing is thrown away and the drink willl have a smoothie type texture.


1. Beet, Carrot & Apple

  • 4oz Beetroot
  • 8oz Carrots
  • 4oz Apple

2. Beet, Carrot and Coconut Juice

  • 3oz Beetroot
  • 9oz carrot
  • 4oz coconut flesh

3. Beetroot, Carrot & Cucumber Juice

  • 3oz Beetroot
  • 10oz Carrots
  • 3oz Cucumber (remove skin if waxed)

4. Beet, Carrot & Pineapple Juice

  • 4oz Beetroot
  • 5oz Fresh diced Pineapple
  • 7oz Carrots

5. Beet, Carrot & Spinach Juice

  • 4oz Beetroot
  • 6oz Carrot
  • 4oz Baby Spinach Leaves
  • 2oz Apple
  • This juice is an excellent cleanser and has a high content of iron)

6. Beet, Carrot & Celery Juice

  • 4oz Beetroot
  • 6oz Carrot
  • 4oz Celery
  • 2oz Apple
  • This juice is a good diuretic

Warning: Do not drink beet juice in great quantities as it is very powerful and can make you feel sick. Combine beet juice with a base juice like carrot juice. eg 2oz of beet mixed with a 8oz of carrot juice. If you drink beet juice on its own do not drink more than 3oz at any one time.


Source by DeAnna D Dubois

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