Employee Protection – Top Of The Priority List


As an employer, the importance of your employees is paramount. This is not only a personal choice but you now have a legal responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of your employees, including any self-employed people and visitors to your site. That’s why the importance of a risk assessment in the workplace is vital; Lone workers must not be at more risk than other employees. You should outsource your risk assessments to ensure non-bias and secure completion, when choosing the security to outsource.

By completion of your lone worker risk assessment through an external security company you can be sure that the assessment is accredited to BD8484, some security companies can offer services that monitor your workers’ locations in real time which means they are protected in difficult situations.

State of the art services can be required depending on your requirements; offerings include GPS location devices that can be used within a mobile phone to locate your lone workers in intervals that suit your requirements. A push for help service is also allocated on mobile phone that uses a four key pass code that activated a speed dial where lone workers can ask for assistance or allow the security team to listen and gage the situation.

Another offering provided by security companies allows you to monitor the orientation of your lone workers; this system requires a mobile with in-built accelerometer which will alert if the orientation of the worker changes, this could include falling or the inability to move.

If your concern is regarding a fixed lone worker, then you may consider getting the "desktop heartbeat" allowing you to send data text messages at set time intervals – if these are answered then the lone worker manager is reset, however if they are not answered within the set time then the lone worker would instigate an alert.

Although some of these lone worker protection systems may seem extreme, it depends entirely on the nature of your business and the risks open to your loan workers.

When choosing your workforce you need to make sure they are who they say they are, this can be discovered through an enhanced CRB check and pre-employment screening. These tests will ensure compliance with all current regulations and will ensure your business from fraud and other risks.

By outsourcing your CRB check and pre-employment screenings to a reputable security company you can be sure that the process is quick and secure whilst you are able to discover through an online tool what stage your candidates are at, you will have the expertise of the professionals who can explain the results in detail. You also have the ability to check people on a regular basis after they’ve started work.


Source by Tracey England

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