High Cholesterol Foods That You Need to Avoid


Food is a basic human need and we all need to eat in order for our bodies to gain energy and aids in cellular production and repair. Without food, our bodies would not function in its optimum level. Cholesterol, a bi-product of the liver is essential for several body functions. It helps in metabolism and is largely significant to the production and inhibitory of hormones as well.

Although cholesterol does not only rely on its production from the liver, it can also get its source from the different types of food we ingest that are commonly present in animal meat and fat.

If you are diagnosed to possess unmanageable cholesterol and triglyceride levels, it is important that you acquaint yourself with sufficient knowledge to serve as your arsenal in combating hypercholesterolemia or high cholesterol.

As an average person with little to zero background on the healthcare system, you are often advised to modify your diet and stick to a heart healthy diet course. Read more below to find out the types of foods you need to avoid and what foods you need to incorporated in order to fight and balance your total lipid count.

Foods to Avoid

In real context, every food has its own contribution and benefits to our health. But, if you do have high cholesterol, it is a must that you need to abstain or rather limit eating foods that are high in sodium, saturated and trans fat. These kinds of food include:

  • Dairy products that are high in fat – milk, cheese and the like
  • Egg yolks
  • Lard and butter
  • Processed foods and meats
  • Cookies, cakes and pastries
  • Deep fried foods
  • Meat fat
  • Organ and liver meats

Foods to Consider

Although a change to your daily food consumption may sound a bit extreme and seem to close down your options, surprisingly, there are a lot of delicious foods which you can still enjoy without feeling guilty and worried when it comes to your cholesterol count.

Below is a list of foods that you can enjoy and savour:

  • Plain or homemade popcorn
  • Oats, cereals, wheat bread, bran and whole grains
  • Nuts – Macadamia, almonds and hazelnuts
  • Egg whites
  • Margarines with plant sterol properties
  • Omega-3 fatty acid enriched foods such as salmon, halibut, sardines and tuna
  • Fiber-enriched foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables

A change in diet is the first and simplest step you can do to help you manage your cholesterol levels. Of course, diet and food alone can not give you a full drop on your cholesterol count. Following a healthy lifestyle with adequate exercise, less stress, abstaining from unhealthy habits and following a drug regimen can help you meet your goals of having normal levels of cholesterol.


Source by Paul Heitman

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