Hot Legs at Night


For those of you who have had problems getting to sleep due to having hot legs at night you may not even know the cause of it. The most basic and underlining cause of any heat emulating from the body is from inflammation. But what, you’re asking now, is what is the cause of the inflammation. To help you with that burning sensation in your legs, read on for two helpful tips that have helped me a lot.

Growing up I suffered from the symptoms of having hot legs at night and the burning sensation would very often keep me awake for hours. I knew from my own research that it was most likely caused by inflammation. However, it wasn’t until college when my Health Ecology Professor told me that over 70% of all Americans deal with an ongoing Candida Infection that I started to get a better Idea of what’s was going on in my body. I’ve been dealing with yeast and Candida my entire life and I want to share the information I have gathered over the years with you! I know how awful and taxing having hot legs at night can be so here are a few tips on how to fix the problem.

Tip #1: I know you’re tired from the lack of sleep, believe me I know! The only true way to kill Candida will take some time, time your body requires to heal itself. For a quick fix and a good night’s sleep tonight take to Aleve or Motrin (any anti inflammatory over the counter pill) and lay a cool damp cloth over each leg. It works; I’ve done it many times!

Tip #2: Now that we’ve got you a good night sleep under your belt lets talk long term treatment to calm those legs down at night. We know the problem is a yeast infection and an overgrowth of Candida so how do we kill these microorganisms? The fastest and most effective way to do this is to cut off the bacteria’s food supply. Simply put, a yeast organism eats simple sugar that you consume in the form of soda, candy, starch, bread, pasta and any simple or complex carbohydrate. When a colony of yeast receives enough nutrients via your diet, it will blossom into full blown Candida and you will start having hot legs at night.

Tip # 3: The reason that Candida is always worse during the night has to do with the interaction of hormone release during your sleep cycle. To kill the Candida you will need to put yourself into a state of ketoses for at least 3 straight days. When your body enters ketoses you use fatty acids as fuel rather than the usual carbohydrates. This will eliminate the fuel source to the Candida and kill it. To put yourself into ketosis you must limit your diet to 30 carbohydrates per day and no more than 5 at any one time (so, lots of snacking). Eat lots of veggies, meat, fish and a little cheese. Done correctly, it will take about a day and a half to put you into a state of ketoses.

Tip # 4: Remember to drink plenty of water! In drinking over a gallon of water daily, you will help with the elimination of yeast colonies. Water is a universal solvent and taking in enough of it will literally stsrt to flush out all the yeast in your body.


Source by Brennan R Milbury

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