How Common is Bedwetting?


Bedwetting is an issue faced by thousands of families night after night. It is especially common among young kids, under the age of six years. Studies show that bedwetting is seen in almost 13% of six year old kids and about 5% of children above the age of ten.

Doctors are not sure of the root cause of Enuresis, the technical term for bedwetting. However we all know it is a normal part of development, and something kids usually outgrow. Contrary to popular belief, in most cases it is not a sign of deeper medical or emotional trauma.

All the same this habit can be very taxing for families who need to cope with it each night. Kids feel ashamed and guilty about wetting the bed. They are scared of going for a sleep-over at a friends place or spending a night at camp.

If your kid is going through this phase, take the time to reassure him that bedwetting is an ordinary part of growing up. Let him know that it will not last forever. Tell him about other family members who may also have deal with it when they were children. This will make him understand that he is not alone in facing this embarrassing situation.
Prompt your child to use the bathroom one final time before bedtime or try waking up your kid in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Many parents have also found that drinking more liquid during the daytime and less at night works. Avoid caffeine as well. You could also use bedwetting alarms.

Use a motivational system, such as a reward after a certain number of dry days. Praise your child when he has had a dry night. Do not howl or holler when your child wakes up with wet sheets. Instead, ask your child to help you change the bed sheets. It helps your child feel better knowing that he helped out.

A consultation with your doctor could also be necessary if your child is still wetting the bed after the age of seven years, suddenly starting wetting the bed after being consistently dry for at least 6 months, begins to wet his pants during the day, starts misbehaving , often complains of a burning sensation or pain when urinating, has to go the bathroom often, is drinking or eating much more than usual or has swelling in the feet or ankles.

The doctor may check for signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI), constipation, bladder problems, diabetes, or severe stress.

In the meantime, your support and patience can go a long way in helping your child feel better.


Source by Allan Wu

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