How to Lose Fat – Easy and Stress-Free!


How to lose fat, without killing yourself in a tough diet… There are so many stories, so many tales. How do they do it? And who really knows the best way to do it, without it being too hard on you? We all have our jobs, a busy lifestyle and family to attend to.

There is no time for a complicated diet added to your busy schedule. I understand it’s hard to take the first step and get started if you don’t know what to do. When you see someone who has done it, then you know this person must know the answer.

Being a fitness model, a figure competitor and a personal trainer, I know how to do it and now I am telling you all to learn! Just follow the free schedules and titles below as a guidance to your new lifestyle, to the new you. Are you ready to see the fat melting off, easy and stress-free? Let’s go!


As Little As 3 Times A Week

You can train as little as three times a week, just 45 minutes per session. After training I want you to do 30 minutes of cardio to burn off the fat even faster. You can also do 45 minutes of cardio if you’re up for it, I leave that up to you. Choose any machine you like.

There is no need to spend hours and hours, days and days in the gym. That is what the commercials tell you on TV, to sell you their ‘new innovative’ product. It’s really not that hard, actually you will find yourself enjoying doing the exercises. Time flies by as you’re occupied and before you know, you’re done. You just need to get up and go. You’ll feel great when you’re done!

Training Sample:

To spend only three days a week in the gym, and have significant results, here is a great sample schedule to do it. Follow this exact schedule if you like, or feel free to adjust it to your preference if you wish to train other body parts on different days.

o Monday: Legs and shoulders, calves

o Tuesday: Training off

o Wednesday: Back and biceps, abs

o Thursday: Training off

o Friday: Chest and triceps, abs

o Saturday: Training off

o Sunday: Training off

Try to do 3 or 4 exercises per major muscle group (legs, back, chest, shoulders), and 2 or 3 exercises per minor muscle group (biceps, triceps). You can do 1 or 2 exercises for abs and calves. Go for 3 sets of about 12-15 reps per set.

On training days, try to train not later than before the 4th meal, so that you have enough energy to train well during the day.


Every Weekend Is Free!

Instead of talking about what you can not eat, let’s talk about what you can eat. There are actually a lot of food items that you can eat! I want you to have six ‘meals’ a day. Don’t worry, you won’t have to spend your time in the kitchen cooking all day, some of the ‘meals’ will be a quick shake or snack. You will be eating every 3 hours. This is to speed up your metabolism so that your body will burn all the calories faster. This is what we want to lose that body fat.

I made a great tasting diet schedule for you, which will help you get those results! For each meal, I put carbs, proteins and/or fat sources in the diet schedule below. Feel free to switch them up with any of the other food sources (in the same category!). Just pick what you feel like having from the table, or follow my sample diet schedule. It’s easy as that!

Preferably I want your vegetables to be steamed and I want you to use Pam fat-free cooking spray instead of olive oil or especially butter to cook your food. You can find calorie-free salad dressing in all flavours for a great tasting salad and delicious calorie free marinades for chicken, beef or fish. You can also use fat-free mayonnaise, ketchup, sweeteners, herbs and spices to enhance the taste of your food. Told you this diet would be good.

The amount per food item is based on a 120-140 pound female who wishes to lose body fat and add some muscle at the same time to become more toned. Add a little more amount per food item if your weight is higher and/or if you are very active during the day.

I like to train after the 3rd meal, so I added some good fats in the meal before my training. If you want to train earlier, try to move your good fats (in this example the almonds) to the meal before your training. They will give you extra energy to train and will make you feel full, especially with a full glass of water to spread out the fibers in your tummy, which the almonds contain.

You don’t want the good fats in the meal after your training. Fat slows down the uptake and digestion of nutrients in your body. This way the necessary carbs and protein nutrients will be taken up by the body faster after your training.

If you prefer to train earlier or later than in my example, after meal 3, simply move the pre-workout and post-workout food supplements and post-workout meal #4 to after your own training time. After your post-workout meal, have the meal after that 1,5 hour later.

Pre-Made Diet Schedule:

Meal 1 / Breakfast:

o ½ cup oatmeal (with cinnamon and sweeteners)

o 6 egg whites with 1 yolk

o Half grapefruit

Meal 2 / Mid-morning:

o ½ packet ‘Lean Body Breakfast’ meal replacement shake by Labrada Nutrition’

Meal 3 / Lunch (pre-workout):

o ½ cup (cooked) brown rice with 4 oz. chicken breast, broccoli and cauliflower

o Small mixed salad with one full hand of almonds

o ‘Super Charge’ pre-workout formula by Labrada Nutrition

Meal 4 / Mid-afternoon (post-workout):

o ½ scoop ‘Lean Body Mass 60’ shake by Labrada Nutrition (perfect for anytime+post-workout!)

o ‘Recharge’ by Labrada Nutrition

o Granny Smith apple

Meal 5 / Dinner (1½ hour after your post-workout meal):

o 1 cup sweet potato

o 4 oz. tuna, cod (or other white fish)

o Asparagus and carrots

o Small mixed salad

Meal 6 / Pre-bedtime:

o ½ scoop ‘Pro V 60 Plus’ shake by Labrada Nutrition (great for anytime+bedtime!)

Pick your carbs, proteins and fat sources here if you like to switch from the sample diet:

Good Carbs

o ½ cup (cooked) brown rice

o 3 rice cakes

o ½cup oatmeal

o 2 slices whole wheat toast

o 1 cup sweet potato


o Lean Body Gold protein bars by Labrada Nutrition

o 4 oz. salmon (also contains good fat)

o 6 egg whites, 1 yolk (yolk contains fat)

o 4 oz. any fish

o Lean Body Breakfast MRP by Labrada Nutrition

o 3 oz. chicken breast

o ½ cup fat free cottage cheese

o 3 oz. turkey breast

o ‘Pro V 60 Plus’ protein shake by Labrada Nutrition

o 4 oz. lean beef (top round)

Good Fat

o Any fatty fish

o ¼ advocado

o ½ tbsp. olive oil

o 1 hand almonds/walnuts

o ½ hand peanuts/cashews

Free Weekends:

To give you a nice treat, besides the treat of your body having great results pretty soon, the weekend is free! You can eat what you want. Try not to go overboard though, it’s better not to. That way it doesn’t take too many days for your body to get back on the fat-burning track again after the weekend.

I suggest in the weekends you stick to the first half of the diet and eat what you feel like the rest of the day, or that you atleast try to keep having enough protein during the day. But I let the weekends up to you. You can drink during the weekends too if you want to.


Full Of Necessary Vitamins & Minerals To Help You Lose Fat All Day Long!

Experimenting with supplements and fat loss myself, I found that the following supplements really helped me in losing fat, and gaining muscle for that toned fit body at the same time. Besides that, I feel energetic during the day. I want you to feel the same, so here it is:

o One 1000 mg vitamin C in the morning and one after training

o A good multi vitamin.

o One 400 mg vitamin E after training

o 5 gram Glutaluean L-Glutamine by Labrada Nutrition after training and 5 gram before bedtime (for great recovery)

o 5 gram BCAA before training and 5 gram after training (for energy and great recovery)

o ‘Super Charge’ for pre-workout and ‘Re Charge’ for post-workout by Labrada Nutrition

o 2 servings of fish oil a day (to help you lose fat)

o ‘Pro V 60’ and/or ‘Lean Body Mass 60’ protein powder by Labrada Nutrition

o 2 to 3 servings of HMB a day, depending on the brand (to help you lose fat and gain muscle)

o 2 servings CLA a day (to help you lose fat)

These are the best supplements to give you all the energy and give you all the help you need to lose body fat and gain muscle for a beautifully toned body. They aren’t expensive either and they will provide you with what you need for a long time. Why do I only use and suggest Labrada Nutrition products? Because being an athlete I have tried products from different brands. Some brands even add ingredients that are not listed! With those brands, I didn’t know what exactly I was taking. Labrada Nutrition is an honest company that truly cares about helping people, and never adds any ingredient that is not on the list. It also proved to work very well, as i’ve used it and noticed how much they added to my results as soon as I started taking them! Labrada Nutrition supplements also are well known for always giving you extra product in weight than what is stated on the bottle that you get. A truly great working line of products made by a champion who truly cares about peoples success! It’s the only company I trust, have noticed the results from and that I recommend to all of my readers.

S.O.S. – I Need Help!

What to do when the cravings come up strong sometimes? Well, actually there are all kinds of treats to satisfy your craving without really doing something you’re not supposed to so.

When you want to keep eating ‘clean’ during the week and have the weekends free to eat what you feel like and you have a big craving somewhere during the week, don’t worry. There is a way to jump over this hurdle.

Try any of these tips to cut your cravings:

o Have a celery stick dipped in calorie free dressing

o Have a hand full of almonds/walnuts or ½ hand of peanuts/cashews with 1 glass of water

o Have some cucumber or a small mixed salad

o Have a green apple

o Have some water, green tea, espresso or coffee (with fat free creamer and/or sweetener)

o Watch tv or a movie

o Go outside and take a walk

o Go shopping. See how smaller sizes fit and look great on you!

o Meet up for social activities with friends; tell them about your new lifestyle. They will support you!

Also try this little trick; If you’re craving for example chocolate, look at the back side of the packet and see how many calories per serving (if you’re going to have that suggested serving), you’re about to take in. 300 Calories equals 45 minutes of cardio. Do you really want to make it harder on you and slow down your progress? Imagine yourself in nice low-cut jeans with a pretty top, showing your abs. It’s just a couple more days; let’s just wait until the weekend.

Enjoy Food, Enjoy Life

Ever see commercials on TV or in magazines of fit people living a happy lifestyle, eating breakfast in the peaceful garden, casually riding a bike or taking a relaxing walk on the beach? They are being portrayed as happy people who appreciate life.

It’s true for most fit people, and it could be true for everyone. You appreciate food, your bodies and life so much more now that you focus more on appreciating yourselves. This is karma; you give and you take. The energy you put into appreciating and caring for yourself all comes back to you, in a good way.

Appreciating whole foods for your body instead of stressor foods (unhealthy food), enjoying life and having fun attributes to maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle. It even attributes to a happy lifestyle.

To every action there is a reaction. You’ve made a couple changes in your life to have a great fit and toned body. You are now burning fat, although sometimes it takes a while for you to notice it.

One, you may not see it at first until the results are greater, even though your friends and family will be complimenting you and telling you they see you’ve lost weight, and two, sometimes the fat has to become looser first, until it starts coming off.

This may happen in the first few weeks. But soon, before you know it, you will see the fat flying off in a rapid speed. You will be so happy with the results, you won’t want to have it any other way. You will choose to keep this way of eating as a lifestyle, a healthy lifestyle that guarantees you having a fit and healthy body for the rest of your life. And you’ll do it with pleasure too!

I can’t wait for you to have a fit and healthy lifestyle as well! Be sure to make before and after pictures for us all to see when you start this guide to lose your body fat and have a great toned body. Feel free to email them to me. I will be looking forward to seeing those awesome results on you!

Enjoy your results!

Yours in health,

Mercedes Khani


Source by Mercedes Khani

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