How to Remove Blackheads Effectively


Blackheads are the little small black spots that may be seen in your skin pores from time to time. It is believed that blackheads are the result of the glands in your skin producing so much oil that they clog themselves. Then as the chemicals in the pore harden, they get darker. The more they are exposed to air the more they oxidize. The more they oxidize, the blacker your blackheads will get. It is not long before the blackhead is readily visible in your skin.

It is believed that the overproduction of the glands leading to blackheads is the result of heightened hormone activity. So it is not surprising that blackheads are most common in teenagers and young adult males. However, blackheads can occur at any time from puberty onward. If blackheads go untreated it is possible they may be able to trigger acne by blocking the pores. Here are some tips on how to remove blackheads.

Closely related to the blackhead is the whitehead. You may be wondering what the relationship is between blackheads and whiteheads. Actually, they are the same thing. The only difference is that whiteheads occur when the pores are so closed that no air gets in and thus no oxidization occurs.

Five Tips On How To Remove Blackheads:

1. Use a warm compress on the blackhead. This should be followed up with the application of gentle pressure to the the area.

2. Use a blackhead strip to remove blackheads from the nose. This is a lot like using tape to remove hair, but not nearly as painful. Make sure you always read and carefully follow the directions that come with the blackhead strip.

3. Use exfoliants on your skin. A gentle acne exfoliant can go a long way for the removal of debris that may block your pores and lead to blackheads or whiteheads.

4. Keep your face clean. It is a good idea to wash your face regularly with a gentle cleanser. Avoid using anything that may irritate your skin or leave behind pore-clogging residues.

5. Don’t attack the blackheads. Many people use their finger nails or grab some sharp or rough object to begin an attack on blackheads. Heavy scraping, squeezing, and poking can do more damage to the skin than the blackheads. You may actually end up clogging more pores, resulting in more blackheads.

These 5 tips on how to remove blackheads should help you clear up your skin in no time.


Source by Rachel Morgan

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