Infertility Treatments: Learn How Oral Chelation Can Reverse Infertility and Boost Conception


Most often, the hidden imbalance for lack of fertility is arterial build up with plaques. I use the metaphor of the farm and the law of the garden. Picture weeds growing in your rose flower (children) garden, competing with your rose plant and sniffing the life out of it (the woman) and preventing the rose plant from producing beautiful roses (children). Remember that the reproductive organs must be nourished before they produce or reproduce. Well, the blood circulation brings nutrient and oxygen to these organs. However if there’s stagnation (the mother of all disease) of any sort, nutrients and oxygen will not nourish the eggs or sperm which will lack energy or potency (hence, the name impotent is synonymous with infertility).

All that herbal chelation does is not remove the weeds and debris that clog the reproductive organs so that they can do what they are designed to: to reproduce themselves (seeds, or babies). Clearing the debris and bad stuff in your garden is akin to oral chelation therapy. I call it taking out the bad stuff or impediments to fertility thereby reversing infertility. Herbal chelation is achieved with a man-made amino acid (protein building block) called EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid) as the main ingredient. It claws or chews (hence the word, chelate) toxic heavy metals like mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, aluminium and calcium that constitute arterial plaques or arterioslerosis. Calcium adds to the hardening and complexity of the mess called atheromatous plaques.

Other components of a good chelation program or protocol include magnesium which is also a calcium antagonist in addition to balancing hormones. Zinc (in addition to other functions) plays a key role in removing plaques because it is a heavy metal antagonist as well as a hormone modulator. Malic acid which is a derivative of apple or apple cidar vinegar frees adhesions and helps with retarding plaque formation. The B-complex vitamins are vital for energy generation as well as combating homocysteine elevation that clog blood vessels. They work in synergy as a team: B6, B12 and Folic acid enhance the potency or one another. Vitmin D is also very important because it is the only vitamin that doubles as a hormone. It is interesting to know that a combination of Magnesium, Zinc and B6 help to balance and regulate hormones which is the seed-bed upon many causes of infertility emanate. High quality whole food multi-vitamin and mineral supplement is a must to supply other vitamins, cofactors, and phytonutrients necessary for normal physiology and to replace worn-out cells.

After removing the weeds and debris from your fertility garden, you must turn to the next huddle, which is putting manure (fertilizer) around your seeds to nourish the eggs (seeds) and enhance fertility and conception. This is done by going back to raw, wholesome, living and supper green foods. Cereal grasses and sprouts have been known to boost fertility by 89% even chickens that are not expected to live. Here again, variety of raw, uncooked enzyme rich fruits and vegetables are mandatory. The recommendation of the National Institute of Health is five servings of deep green leafy fruits and vegetables every day. You must eat variety of good healthy stuff and cutting out all junk. Well, most infertile people don’t even get it in a week; not to talk about one day. You know the usual advice to pregnant is for them to eat for two. How about eating for two before you get pregnant which is rehearsing for where you are going: getting pregnant, carrying it to confinement and delivering a healthy baby.


Source by Uzo Onukwugha

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