Natural Tips to Fight Digestive Problems


In today’s busy schedule and stressful lifestyle, junk food is in demand. We never think before eating that how this food will react in our digestive system. We just satisfy our taste buds without thinking about our body. Is it true or not? Everyone out there must get connected to these scenarios as our daily life demands such practices.

Do you suffer from hyper acidity and bloated stomach? Does unwanted gas production embarrass you in the public area? Well, most of the people suffer from the digestive problem and if we ignore its symptoms then it can get serious and can affect the other body part.

But now don’t worry! There are various home remedies and natural ways to help support healthy digestive system. Here we present 11 things and habitual changes that are helpful in healing your digestive system.

  1. Banana: Bananas help food pass through the digestive tract with ease and promotes regular bowel movement.
  2. Apple Cider Vinegar: It is best known as a digestive tonic and it shows beneficial effects in immediate relief from various digestive problems. Mix it with water and add a spoon of citrus juice for added benefits.
  3. Coriander: With digestive properties, ginger helps relief symptoms of indigestion, inflammation and burning sensation. Teaming coriander seeds with a glass of buttermilk showcase beneficial results.
  4. Garlic: The pungent odor of garlic helps initiate gastric fire and often provide relief from unwanted gas and heartburn.
  5. Fennel Seeds: These seeds have beneficial effects towards digestive health. They help ease bloating and spasmodic pain in the stomach.
  6. Black Paper: It helps increase gastric juice flow and promotes healthy digestion. Combining the black paper powder with jiggery and buttermilk or with mint leaves and coriander powder will help reduce digestive problems.
  7. Chew Your Food Thoroughly and Eat Slowly: Mostly the digestion of starch and sugar starts at mouth with saliva and enzyme, which helps break down the food and attack bacteria. It is considered to be a first step towards healthy digestion. When you eat fast, the stomach does not get the signal of its fullness properly and you tend to eat more food than necessary.
  8. Keep Yourself Hydrated: Try to increase your water intake and help your digestive system to take nourishment and process food easily.
  9. Manage the Stress Level: Stress doesn’t only wreak havoc on your mind, it is able to mess with your digestion. Focusing on the relaxing activities like Yoga, walk, music, drawing, etc will help reduce stress and exert beneficial effects on your overall wellness.
  10. Add Fibrous Food in Your Diet: The vegetables. Fruits, beans and whole grain and rich source of fibers and they help improve regular bowel movement. It has been proven that the people who eat high fibrous food are less prone to constipation problems.
  11. Herbal Supplements: Along with all these home remedies and healthy habits, taking herbal supplements is beneficial to support healthy digestive system. Herbs like Anantamool, Amla, Avipattikar, Belpatra, Baheda, Chitrak Root, Chopchini, Haritaki, Hingvastak, Lavan Bhaskar, Pippali Root, Shigru, Sunthee, Triphala etc. helps support healthy digestive system.

Among all these tips, I hope you will implement some in daily lifestyle to help reduce digestive problems with ease.

Eat nutritious food, take Herbal Supplements and experience a healthy digestive tract!


Source by Chetan Kadam

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